Tender For auction sale of old unusable ms tanks,toshiba e-studio xerox machine,scrap others - unusable automation equipment,scrap iron steel - old service station mild steel tanks,scrap iron steel - pd metering system- pd meter, strainer/dcv-toshniwal,scrap misc,scrap scap - refer attachment,electrical equipment- scrap - old unusable stabilizers,misc scrap- refer attachment,retail automation and it equipment,aluminium scrap refer attachment,scrap iron steel - scrap ug tanks
Tender For auction sale of scrap iron steel - old scrap mild steel tanks,misc scrap electrical board panels,scrap scap - refer attachment,oil sludge - disposal of oil sludge stored in sludge pit,scrap others - disposal of used oil from equipment,scrap locks,scrap iron steel - old damaged electrical panels,scrap misc,loading arm cut pipe,scrap iron steel - pd metering system- pd meter, strainer
Tender For custom bid for services - sludge and insulation removal of tank 120 t 05a-1.1. sludge removal: the approximate sludge / oil inside the tank is to a tune of 2800 cu.m. a) agency needs to assess the quantity of sludge through site visit prior to quoting. b) the quantity provided is the best estimate and may vary. please note that additional payments will not be made for excess sludge removed, and no deductions will occur in the event of lesser sludge quantities with respect to the sludge quantity mentioned above. c) approach path from south main road (i.e., from south of the common dyke of tanks 120-t05a,05b,06,06b) up to south west of tank 120-t-05a shall be provided by hpcl. d) however, approaches / access requirement around the circumference of the tank to facilitate sludge removal and insulation removal, the preparation of the same shall be in within agency scope. e) agency has to collect sludge using sludge bins at outside of clean out door. if required, excavation for placing sludge bins matching the elevation of the clean out door has to be done by agency. sludge bins to be mobilized by the agency. f) disconnecting existing electrical connection, temporary dismantling of platform, ladder or any other structural, fire protection system like cooling water connection, foam connection, removal of existing instruments and any other removable or fixed attachment required for isolating the tank is in agency scope. g) removal of existing instruments, accessories etc. provided in existing tanks and preserve the same in designated area as per instruction of job engineer is in agency scope. h) removal of sludge from tank, transfer of sludge to designated area, unloading / dumping of sludge in designated area (sludge lagoons) inside refinery, complete cleaning of the tank after sludge removal, making the tank hydrocarbon free and suitable for further hot work is in agency s scope. contractor to submit sludge removal procedure to hpcl. i) opening / cutting shell course (coupon cutting) for creating access for entry of excavator / jcb inside the tank for carrying out sludge removal. barricading inside tank in coupon cutting area for hot work preparation for coupon cutting is in agency scope. any other preparatory jobs as per jsa for carrying out hot work for coupon cutting and vehicle entry inside tank is in agency scope. j) existing steam coil: agency shall dismantle existing steam coil including supports from the existing bottom plate. k) sacony & propeller mixers: agency shall dismantle existing sacony mixers & propeller mixers. l) wherever existing internals are removed like sacony mixers / eductors / propeller mixers / jet mixers / heating coils etc., care shall be taken not to damage the bottom plate during removal of supports. m) all necessary work related to isolation of tanks to carry out sludge removal including removal of piping spools including tagging and dumping in the designated yard, blinding of nozzles, proper barricading required shall be in contractor s scope and shall be carried out as per instructions of job engineer. n) transportation and dumping of all scrap materials generated during modification works, after cleaning, in the designated scrap yard as per instruction of the job engineer. o) arranging of all equipment, tools & tackles, machinery, lifting equipment, mobile crane, fork lift, crane, jcb, tipper, trailer, scaffolding etc. is in the scope of the agency.-msme exemption - no | startup exemption - no
Tender For auction sale of m.s.melting scrap,m.s.turning & boring scrap,scrap of c.i boring/m.s. turning & boring,scrap of c.i boring/m.s. turning & boring(mixed),t1-steel scrap,scrap of cond/damaged/used or rej/un-serviceable field returned items,scrap of rubber items,scrap of cond /obsolete/used/rejected field returned/damaged,ms scrap of cond/dam/used/unserviceable cast iron /galvanised iron,scrap of cond/obsolete/used/rej/damaged/wornout equipment /project tyres,m.s.scrap of miscellaneous items,scrap of used welding coil spools,ms scrap of cond/obsolete/rejected/damaged/wornout att frame.,scrap of cond/damaged/used/unserviceable/rej air compressor,scrap of condemned/ obsolete/ used/rejected/ scrapped cabins,scrap of used/cond /damaged/rejected/unserviceable power hacksaw machine,scrap of electrical items consisting of transformers wound,scrap of electrical items,m.s. scrap of used/discarded engine & radiator,scrap of old dead wood,scrap of used empty plastic oil barrels,scrap of used empty ms oil barrels