Tender For supply of rc network for compact silicon rectifier [rc network for compact silicon rectifier rsi blocks as per rdso specification no. elrs/spec/rsi/0030 & clw/es/r-33 & clw/es/b-14 (using capacitor of rating 0.47 mfd, 2000 v ac) i.e. 16 no s of 0.47 mfd msr type capacitors fitted on one damping board for compact rsi. (item is reserved for clw approved sources only).]
Tender For supply of main silicon rectifier for 25 kv bg ac emu/memu motor coaches to icf specification no. icf/e lec/021/rev. a, cs-2, icf drg no icf/s-7-1-068 alt -j. [ warranty period: 60 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of voltagemeasuringtransformer 100 va, 750/415 v, 3 phase, 3 wire, delta / delta 50 hz, cl ass 1.0 with 3 nos. 2 amps fuse in ht panel side and 3 nos. 6 amps. fuse in lv panel side. conforming to r dso specification no. rdso/pe/spec/tl/0195/2019(rev.0) for control transformer type - vii. make - bhasi n packard,rishabh,ael,nacei,trinitron or any other rdso approved source.. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of voltagemeasuringtransformer 750/415 v, 3 phase, 100va, 3 wire, delta/delta 50 hz, class -1.0 with 2 a f use in primary side and 2 a fuse in secondary side conforming to item no. 5 of bill of material rdso spec. no.rdso/pe/ spec/tl /0195-2019 (rev.0) and rdso/lucknow lr.no.el/7.1.108/sbc transformer, dt 27/04/2022 for switch board cabi net of hog compliant lslrd coaches. acceptable makes: bhasin packard, rishabh, ael, nacei, trinitron, ask powertec h, integ electronics, pd steels, ramya electro gear, trolex india, hind rectifiers only as per above spec please. [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of silicon rectifier blower with motor (vsi+mvsi) blower as per drg.no.clw/es/s k-4/b-14 alt.c.with clw specn no.clw/es/b-14 alt-c part-1 (sheet no.8 to 19) and motor as pe r rdso specn no. e/10/03/08 (revised)sept-1995 with amendment no.1 & 2. [ warranty period: 3 0 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of compact silicon rectifier block for conventional locos as per rdso's specn. no. elrs/spec/r si/0030 rev0 dec 2003 , with amendment 1, 2 & 3. (sanctioned estimate item no: - 01) [ warranty perio d: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of main silicon rectifier for 25kv ac emu drawing no. icf/sk-7-1-068, alt-j as per icf spec. no. icf/elect/021 rev. a cs-2 or latest. clw item id: 2100838 note: 1) the firm should submit authorized de alership certificate or proof of purchase from oem or dealer along with materials for acceptance [ warrant y period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 250 va, 750/415 v ac, 3 phase, 3 wire star/star voltagemeasuringtransformer for lhb ac power car, type-viii, as per rdso specification no: rdso/pe/spec/ac/0203-2020 (rev-0).asper rdso or rcf edts 103,rev-d,amdt-1,annexure-c note: as per bill of material was attached
Tender For supply of silicon rectifier block (compact) as per rdso specification no. elrs/spec/rsi/0030 rev.0 of december-2003, with amendment 1,2 & 3. note: (1) a set of rectifier consists of two block which can be m ounted on separate location. (2) each rectifier block will be equipped with (a) one current transformer (b) ac damping panel and earthing capacitor for input side. (c) dc damping panel is for output side (d) blower motor (mvsi) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]