Tender For gnt division: provision of maintenance free earth pits at hilly / rocky soil areas at various stations, service buildings, quarters, sub-stations, lc gates, pumping locations etc., for improving earth resistance values & maintain reliable & safe power supply arrangements over guntur division
Tender For pf of central verge base interlocking made of impact resistance plastic black and yellow having reflective red strip on both side, height 700mm having to reflective white sleeves at the top bottom in sector 6 mdc, panchkula (a/mtc. of ph services in
Tender For providing of calibration services - mechanical, dynamic calibration; dimension, resistance, as per frp; any other government approved labs / service provider, state govt labs; hybrid (detailed in scope of work)
Tender For bid to ras supply of trainers kit - electrical hygiene demonstrative model , open and short circuit dc trainer kit , voltage and current division rule trainer kit , r l c series and parallel verification trainer kit , star and delta verification trainer kit , lamp resistance measurement trainer kit , hand driven 1000v megger with terminals , single phase energy meter , software defined radio trainer single channel model usrp b200mini xc6slx75 , software defined radio trainer single channel model usrp b200 xc6slx75 , software defined radio trainer single channel model usrp b200mini xc6slx150 , software defined radio trainer dual channel model usrp b210 xc6slx150 , software defined radio trainer dual channel model usrp e310 , otdr trainer kit , splicing machine with accessories , laser source , optical power meter , fibre spool 1km 2km 5km single mode , terminal fibre connectors st and sc
Tender For supply of oms law appratus , pn junction diode , meter bridge with jockey , connecting wire , galvanometer with case , voltmeter with case , mili voltmter dc with case , micro ammeter with case , mili ammeter with case , optical bench , concave convex lens , concave convex mirror , prism , screw gauge , vernier callipers , resistance coil , sphreometer , viscocity by strokes method , astronomical reflector telescope , coef of friction app.