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Tender For supply of curtains colour sky blue 7 feet , curtains white colour 7 feet , wallpaper size 10 feet x 10 feet with pasting , flower pot 2.5 feet , flower pot large 6 inh , tube light brown white colour , coil roll heater , curtains golden colour 2.5 feet x 3.5 feet with rod and site accessories , plywood board 4 feet x 6 feet
Tender For supply of various customized printing materials - trade proficiency pads , books printing and spiral binding , greeting cards , passenger manifest , cargo manifest ship , cargo manifest aircraft , civilian manifest , do pad for 122 hf co , fss part i ii flm l , fss part i ii flm m , fss part i ii flm w , tarmac management part 1 , tarmac management part ii , grc all trade , printing of frc , iaff ms 1953 , medical exam registers , arrival register , clearance register , p 32 register , overnight monitoring register , x ray examination register , bay servicing record register , tool daily issue register , ojt record register , demand and return register , continuity record register , expense book , attendance register , demand lp register , di of testers and rig register , engine filetr register , hydraulic filter register , mbt test record register , particle count atf register , expense record register , particle hydraulic register , hydraulic oil test register , tester flush record register , temperature humidity monitor even register , work order odd register , work order even register , car diary iafz , cwr register , ssvf register , t 2 registers , met 2477 registers , sod registers , temperature humidity monitor odd register , tools in out register , running hm register , e mms work order , defect register , immols register , air conditioning register , cpcp register , drss register , radar watch hour register , movement register , log book register , leave register , dependent card issue register , invitation cards 7 x 5 inches , master file index register , mso t 27 service book , security passes , odd tools issue regsietr , cwr register , synoptic situation register , certificates , a4 clour print with flowers , invitation cards 6 x 5 inches , flight manual , buff envelope 7 x 5 inches , buff envelope 6 x 4 inches
Tender For supply of mattress with cover , split ac 2 ton with wiring hot cold all season , wall fan with fitting wiring , partition with curtain color and fabric of curtain to be selected on ground , partition of room with wooden framing wallpaper and paint for roof wall paper design will be selected on ground , 1 and 2 floor paint , soundproofing vip i and ii , soundproofing room no 6 , floor tiling room no 13 , bed , wooden partition , false ceiling room no 13 including 06 lights wiring , floor tiling room no 10 , false ceiling room no 10 including 04 lights wiring , main door wooden
Tender For supply of vertical wood wallpaper , pipe larry panasonic light , pipe larry connector , bedside met , table cloth green , water camper 10 ltr , dry cloth stand , blanket double bed , bucket and mug , kerosene stove , milton hotcase 5 tier , electric hamam rod
Tender For supply of printing of case file white colour size 14 inch x9 and half inch , printing of scribbling pad small oficer incharge size 7 and inch x 5 and hal printing of file cover scribbling pad and greeting card - f inch , printing of scribbling pad ruller 50 sheet , printing of folder greeting cards of size 7 and half inch x 5 and half inch with envalope , printing of office file yellow colour