Tender For improvement of different roads and drainage system under udaipur municipal council area/ construction of rcc drain from rajarbag uphc to maragang box culvert under umc ward no.17 during the year 2024-25 (length 400.00 m)./sh rcc work, cd work etc
Tender For songadh ugd ii under sjmmsvy : working survey, soil investigation, design of underground drainage project. work including providing, supplying, lowering, laying, jointing, testing & commissioning of rcc np3 pipes for sewer collecting system - gravity mains and di pipes for rising main pipeline, construction of inspection chamber, construction of sewage pumping station (sps), construction of interceptor rcc box, rcc pipeline between interceptor box at two ends, supplying, erecting, testing & commissioning of pumping machineries at zone level, rcc road, compound wall, electrification work etc. for songadh town underground drainage project, work including 2 years of operation and maintenance, taluka: songadh, district: tapi.
Tender For construction work of box culvert and r.c.c. storm water pipedrainage for as per various location chart, at. upleta dist.: rajkot under swarnim jayanti mukhya mantri saheri vikash yojana (udp-88) year-2021-22
Tender For caryingout structural design & preparation of drawing of foundation & sub structure of important/ major/ minor bridges, non standard rcc box bridges, checking adequacy of modification in super structure, preparation of gad/tad of lhs/rubs,station building gad, design and structural drawings, fob gad and design & drawing of foundations, design of thrust bed, ciculating area plans, drainage layout plan etc. in connection with jaipur-sawai madhopur doubling project.
Tender For construction of rcc box bridges at km 698 - km 702 along with drainage improvement work in pmy yard and km 617-620 (rkb-juct block section) and protection work such as protection wall, stone pitching and other protection work at breaches locations in ju-mj section