Tender For corrigendum : special repair to building no p205a and p205 at basistha, provn of soak well and septic tank at amingaon and special repair / replacement of 21 ber fans at transit camp under ge guwahati
Tender For corrigendum : repair/maint of internal water supply and internal plumbing including sanitary fittings and repair/ cleaning of septic tank, sewage line and connected itemsat af stn mohanbari
Tender For special repair to drainage sewage line and septic tank at dbn and corroded gi pipe lines at navdeep and manekshaw enclave under ge gurdaspur.
Tender For e tender for construction of new sewarage line from type-i, type-ii blocks and type -iii quarter to existing septic tank at hpsebl colony nalagarh under ed hpsebl, nalagarh. (ch repair and maintenance of buildings under ed, nalagarh)
Tender For repair to sewage line, manholes, septic tank and soakage well, desludging of septic tank, soakage well etc at haws and gulmarg under ge 969 ews
Tender For provn of one toilet, add/altn to building no ma-33, special repair to building nos ha142 and septic tank, manholes etc at different locations of bagrakote mil stn under ge sevoke road
Tender For repairs to drain, sewage lines, cleaning lines, manholes, septic tank, replacement of soil/ waste/ vent pipe, repair to chain link fencing and other miscellaneous works at army land under ge(i) campbell bay
Tender For repair of path, hardstanding, culvert, fencing and miscellaneousellaneous work and repair cleaning of sewage line, manhole, septic tank and certain other miscellaneousellaneous work at along mil stn under ge 872 ews