Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - industrial; biomedical waste collection treatment and disposal; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost)
Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - request for proposal for construction of material recovery facility mrf and waste to compost w2c plant on epc mode basis for aurangabad nagar parishad; request for proposal for construction of m..
Tender For providing of collection & disposal waste management service - outsourcing of services for collection of dry and wet garbage from ships and submarines and shore galleys and kitchens and segregation and disposal to gvmc dump yard; dry waste
Tender For providing of collection & disposal waste management service - outsourcing of services for collection of dry garbage from shop floors and naval units segregation and disposal to gvmc dump yard; dry waste
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - hiring of mud engineering and drilling waste management services with chemicals for rajasthan and western part of india
Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - collection transportation and disposal of hazardous waste wetp sludge and oilcontaminated wastes generated from opencast coal mines ukni oc junad oc kolar pimpri oc pimpalgaon oc and ghonsa oc of wcl wan..