Tender For construction and commissioning of sanitary landfill, leachate tank and other civil works as per boq for municipal solid wastemanagement work at kundalwadi municipal council under swachh bharat mission urban 2.0
Tender For construction and commissioning of sanitary landfill, leachate tank and other works solid wastemanagement work at naigaon nagar panchayat under swachh bharat mission (urban 2.0).
Tender For design, built, own, operate & maintain the construction & demolition (c&d) wastemanagementsystem for treatment of construction & demolition (c&d) waste in morbi on public private partnership basis for a period of 20 years
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 15 mt day solid wastemanagementsystem including operation and maintenance for 15 years with segregation, collection and feeding of biodegradable waste to swm plant at f and v market keshopur