Tender For supply of labour charges for changing of engine oil by replacement of mobil oil etc , labour charges for repair to front both side cabin seat and floor etc , labour charges for repair to rear both side body and hood frame etc , labour charges for repair to rear dala and foot rest etc , labour charges for repair to rear floor rusted portion etc , labour charges for repair to glass lifting system and door locking system etc , labour charges for repair tom clutch system etc , supply of engine 20w 40 oil , supply of oil filter , supply of air filter , supply of coolant , supply of distilled water , supply of glass machine , supply of glass bracket , supply of glass channel , supply of glass handle , supply of door lock , supply of clutch plate and pressure plate , supply of clutch release bearing , supply of clutch oil
Tender For supply of labour charges for changing of engine oil by replacement of mobil oil etc for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , labour charges for repair to front both side cabin seat and floor etc for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , labour charges for repair to rear both side body and hood frame etc for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , labour charges for repair to rear locking assebly , floor rusted portion etc for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , labour charges for repair to spring leaf hanging hoock and seating assembly etc for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , labour charges for repair to glass lifting system, door locking system etc for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , labour charges for repair tom clutch system etc for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of engine 20w 40 oil for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of oil filter for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of air filter for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of coolant for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of distilled water for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of glass machine for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of glass bracket for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of glass channel for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of glass handle for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of door lock for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of clutch plate and pressure plate for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of clutch release bearing for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of clutch oil for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of clutch cable for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of foot mat for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong , supply of leaf spring for repair of eicher canter ba no 08d 177213x under ge i af shillong
Tender For bid to ras supply of brake pad front change , brake shoe rear change , front caliper assy change , rear brake drum , ignition coil change , spark plug change , realy change , plug wire change , electronic injector repair , seat adjuster , horn assy change , steering assy , the above mentioned parts removing the veh and all reqires portion service and all new parts fitting, engine tuning electrical check and wheel alignment and balancing , rotary pump assy and feed pump removing the veh and taken to the pump house and stripping all parts and cleaning checking. injector nozzle , pump full service and assembles above mentioned burned and damaged change and full packing change nozzle fitting injector , feed pump service with kit vehcile overbeating and produce white smoke. engine required for overhauling , engine liner set change , piston change , main bearing change , bigend bearing change , thrust washer change , piston ring change , valve inlet and exhaust change , valve guide change , head gasket change , gasket kit change , crunk shaft seal change , water pump change , engine mounting pad change , oil filter change , air filter change , fuel filter change , fan belt change , timing belt change , timing tensoner change , clutch plate change , pressure plate change , release bearing change , fly wheel skimming change , fly wheel bearing change , hub seal inner and outlet change , annabond paste , radiator hose set change , front brake pad change , rear brake shoe change , suspension bush kit change , radiator repair and service , self and alternator repair and service. lathe machine works , engine bore boring and new liner fitting and boning and finishing and piston seting , crank shaft main and both bearing setting , cylinder head stripping, cleaning and old valve guide, removing and new guide fitting and valve seat, grinding, vlave fixing and head assy and pressure testing , engine assy removing the veh and stripping and cleaning all parts and engine assy and mounting the veh and self, alternator raditor fitting and veh started testing cooling labou charge , electrical system checking and wheel alignmnet and balancing , timing shain kit change , brake shoe front and change , chain sprocket kit change , kiker change , engine bore reboring, boning and finishing , the above mentioned all parts removing and new parts fitting labour charge , self starter ssy repair service with unservicable parts change, field coil, armature soldering and brush holder and brush change
Tender For bid to ras supply of mt 40 oem - dismantling clutch assembly and replacement of the unsv parts oblique items , clutch and pressure plate assembly complete , clutch release bearing , clutch cylinder lower , clutch cylinder upper , opening and taking down all wheels hub from the vehicles and greasing of vehicles , wheel brake cylinder , ball bearing , brake leather front left and right , dismantling and taking out unserviceable spare parts oblique items and supply comma replacement of unsv parts , fuel filter element make mico , oil filter make mico , clutch wire , air filter element make mico , accelerator cable , v belt as per existing size , fuel hose pipe , water pump , coolant , fuel tank cleaning with washing material , break oil , replacement of ignition switch , taking out self starter assembly and replace of the unserviceable parts , carbon bush , solenoid switch , wheel alignment through computerized system , water servicing of vehicle tunning to engine including washing , repair oblique replacement of door window machine complete set , repair oblique replacement of door lock complete set , repair oblique replacement of steering lock complete set , denting comma painting of the vehicle side and front view of body incl scrabing existing paint and painting incl over two coat of red oxide primer complete
Tender For installation of new s.s.railing, epoxy paint in floor and painting work of internal portion of workshop building at n.s.t.i. kolkata, dasnagar, howrah during financial year 2024-25. sh: miscellaneous civil work of shed and platforms for water filter machine installed at and cleaning of roof top drainage line of workshop at nsti, dasnagar, howrah.subwork/packages:installation of new s.s.railing, epoxy paint in floor and painting work of internal portion of workshop building at n.s.t.i. kolkata, dasnagar, howrah during financial year 2024-25. sh: miscellaneous civil work of shed and platforms for water filter machine installed at and cleaning of roof top drainage line of workshop at nsti, dasnagar, howrah.
Tender For supply of zoology lab equipment - procurement of zoology lab equipment, automatic microtome, tissue embedding moulds, multimedia projector (dlp), basic molecular biology teaching kits, dna fingerprinting teaching kits, dna extraction teaching kit., rna extraction & rtpcr teaching kits, blotting teaching kits, chromatography teaching kits, electrophoresis teaching kits, immunology teaching kits, bacterial genetics & sensitivity teaching kit (microbiology), meiosis lab-work shop kit, mitosis lab-work shop kit, electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), haemocytometer with counting chamber, rbc/wbc pipettes with latex tubing, stethoscope standard with all accessories, micro pipette (college grade) variable volume any range, microlit electronic micropipette, eectronic waterandsoil analysis kits, soil testing equipment, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, electronic pocket testersimported, electrical apparatus, entomological equipment, insect trapsand insect cabinets, craft s entomology pins, insect killing bottle insecticides and insect cages, collection equipments (insect, planktons), general laboratory accessories, stainless steel laboratry tray with cover (surgical), blue seal concavity slides(per packet of 12 slides), dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, skeletons (articulated on base) -human body,fowl in showcase,labeo fish, wallago or any bony fish, pcr, binocular research inclined microscope with imported binocular head, tromascope projection micro-scope (dual purpose), areater (dubble pump) delux quality heavy duty, water filter extra powerful, aquarium net rectangular with handle, aquarium heater submergiable 100 watts, dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, water testing kit model b , gel electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), automatic hematology analyzer, electronic water & soil testing analysis equipment, research centrifuge machine
Tender For bid to ras tender for supply of dismantling and taking out unserviceable spare parts oblique items and supply comma replacement of unsv parts , fuel filter element make mico , oil filter make mico , clutch wire , air filter element make mico , accelerator cable , v belt as per existing size , fuel hose pipe , water pump , coolant , fuel tank cleaning with washing material , break oil , replacement of ignition switch , dismantling clutch assembly and replacement of the unsv parts oblique items , clutch and pressure plate assembly complete , clutch release bearing , clutch cylinder lower , clutch cylinder upper , opening and taking down all wheels hub from the vehicles and greasing of vehicles , wheel brake cylinder , ball bearing , taking out self starter assembly and replace of the unserviceable parts , carbon bush , solenoid switch , armature rewinding , repair to the alternator and replace the defective part that is cut out switch comma seal comma rotor comma rectifier plate comma bearing etc and reassemble , disconnecting of complete radiator assembly and reassemble after repairing and replacement of unsv spares , computerized balancing and alignment of the wheels complete , denting , painting of the vehicle side and front view of body incl scrabing existing paint and painting incl over two coat of red oxide primer complete , m and l for complete servicing of vehicle tunning to engine including washing , repair oblique replacement of door window machine complete set , repair oblique replacement of door lock complete set , repair oblique replacement of steering lock complete set