Tender For construction of earthwork and lining of minor no. 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76 a, 77, 78, 79 at rd 47850, 49090, 49850, 50200, 50630, 52655, 54000 , 54780,54815, 55400 m on kayadhu branch canal
Tender For construction of earthwork and lining of km 5 and 6 of minor no.47 (babhali dy.) at rd 37700 m and minor no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7 and 8 at rd 1100, 1360, 2770, 3020, 4290, 5110 and 5685m of babhali dy on kayadhu branch canal
Tender For construction of earthwork and lining of minor no. 21a, 21b, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 35 at rd 15555, 16200, 17880, 18660, 19420, 21160, 22540, 23900 and 24500 m of koli branch canal on irbc
Tender For costruction of earthwork and lining to minor no. 1 to 13 on devsari dy, minor no. 1 to 8 on dighadi dy and right minor no.2 of chalgani branch canal on iasapur left bank canal
Tender For construction of earthwork and lining of minor no. 104, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115 and 115 a at rd 80350, 84850 , 85340, 86480, 87320, 89110, 89945, 90000 and 90100m respectively on kayadhu branch canal
Tender For corrigendum : constructing canal earthwork, c.c. lining, and structures of the missing links of the minors of distributary md- 10 off taking from maliya branch canal 2024-25 (mbc/md-10-a).
Tender For corrigendum : constructing canal earthwork, c.c.lining, structures of the missing links of kacholiya distributary (md- 5) and its minors offtaking from maliya branch canal .(mbc/md-5).
Tender For corrigendum : constructing canal earthwork, c.c.lining, structures of the missing links of limbad distributary(md- 3) minors karela minor-1, karela branch minor-1 and gobar minor offtaking from maliya branch canal (mbc/md 3a).
Tender For corrigendum : constructing canal earthwork, c.c lining, and structures of the missing links of the distributary md-7 and minors of distributary md-7 off taking from maliya branch canal 2024-25.(mbc/md 7)
Tender For corrigendum : constructing canal earthwork,c.c.linig & structure of missing links of the (narali minor-ii, narali minor-iii ) of narali distry (md-17) (mbc/md-17-b).