Tender For providing of custom bid for services - supply, installation, testing and commissioning of cylinder cold repair machine at bpcl tuticorin lpg plant
Tender For supply of brake pad front change , brake shoe rear change , front caliper assy change , rear brake drum , ignition coil change , spark plug change , realy change , plug wire change , electronic injector repair , seat adjuster , horn assy change , steering assy , the above mentioned parts removing the veh and all reqires portion service and all new parts fitting, engine tuning electrical check and wheel alignment and balancing , rotary pump assy and feed pump removing the veh and taken to the pump house and stripping all parts and cleaning checking. injector nozzle , pump full service and assembles above mentioned burned and damaged change and full packing change nozzle fitting injector , feed pump service with kit vehcile overbeating and produce white smoke. engine required for overhauling , engine liner set change , piston change , main bearing change , bigend bearing change , thrust washer change , piston ring change , valve inlet and exhaust change , valve guide change , head gasket change , gasket kit change , crunk shaft seal change , water pump change , engine mounting pad change , oil filter change , air filter change , fuel filter change , fan belt change , timing belt change , timing tensoner change , clutch plate change , pressure plate change , release bearing change , fly wheel skimming change , fly wheel bearing change , hub seal inner and outlet change , annabond paste , radiator hose set change , front brake pad change , rear brake shoe change , suspension bush kit change , radiator repair and service , self and alternator repair and service. lathe machine works , engine bore boring and new liner fitting and boning and finishing and piston seting , crank shaft main and both bearing setting , cylinder head stripping, cleaning and old valve guide, removing and new guide fitting and valve seat, grinding, vlave fixing and head assy and pressure testing , engine assy removing the veh and stripping and cleaning all parts and engine assy and mounting the veh and self, alternator raditor fitting and veh started testing cooling labou charge , electrical system checking and wheel alignmnet and balancing , timing shain kit change , brake shoe front and change , chain sprocket kit change , kiker change , engine bore reboring, boning and finishing , the above mentioned all parts removing and new parts fitting labour charge , self starter ssy repair service with unservicable parts change, field coil, armature soldering and brush holder and brush change
Tender For repair of tata xenon - m and l for servicing of veh tata xenon including cleaning nipple greasing engine tune up valve setting and setting and replacing , computerized wheel alignment and balancing of the vehicle and putting extra weight for wheel balancing including tyre rotation. , material and labour for opening of complete system dismantling and refitting in same position after replacement , m and l for servicing of fuel injection pump with calibration of pump assy after removing refitting and calibration to be done on calibration machine including testing compete , material and labour for cleaning of the vehicle with kerosene oil washing and polishing complete
Tender For camc of qty twenty four machineries and ndt equipments at component repair shop - upstroke hydraulic press with hyd tank and motor pt no indimech hydraulic press sl no 7193 , extruder with machine pt no indimech extruder sl no nayg crs ewm 01 , rubber mixing machine pt no indexpell rubber mixer sl no nayg crs rmm 02 , stand for test acceptance of air system unit pt no c 3757 ue 82 sl no 01 , stand for test gen purpose hydraulic rig pt no c 3390ue 82 sl no 02 , stand for test fuel rig pt no c 3869mue 82 sl no 03 , hydraulic callibration set pt no 63b 0001na sl no 512 , pneumatic calibration set pt no 63b 0001na sl no 513 , climatic chamber minus 40 degree to 20 degree pt no climatic chember minus 40 deg sl no nayg crs cc 03 , charging unit of fire extinguisher system pt no zssp sl no 1 , sonic bond master 1000 multimode with accessories pt no 9020342 reve sl no 1000c12465079107 , ultrasonic plant pt no uzu 2 kor u sl no 169 , ultrasonic filter cleaning rig pt no uc 500w sl no 10541 , magnetic particle flaw detector pt no ferro test gwh 15 sl no 1548752 , bond testing flaw detector pt no bond master 600 sl no 60002161046 , ultrasonic flaw detector pt no epoch 650 sl no 160164102 , eddy current flaw detector pt no nortech 600 sl no 60002161072 , ultrasonic thickness meter pt no 38 dl plus sl no 161265703 , high pressure compressor pt no revell tc3 1 by 2 mk 7 compressor sl no nayg crs hpc 04 , electronic weighing machine capacity 300 kgs pt no ds 415 sl no g415028098 , oven rane 0 degree celceius to minus 300 degree celceius pt no oven 330 deg sl no nayg crs oven 05 , tu hydraulic trolley tu0014 sl no 001 , installation set for checking and pressing hp vessels pt no upos 1 sl no 28 1018107 1 , halon gas filling system pt no jj 2023 point 02 sl no lf 57
Tender For supply of break lining change - brake lining change , clutch plate change , pressure platechange , brake booster reapir , master cylinder and change, release bearing change , air drayer repair and service ,self starter reapir and service with damged and burnedparts change , hoodlifting pump over hauling with parkingkit and seals , head lifting ramp service with seals , clutchbooster repair , gear box assembly dismantling the vehcileold clutch plate, pressure plate, release bearing removingand new clutch platem pressure plate, release bearingfitting and gear testinhg , brake shoe, brake booster clutchbooster, hood lifting pump, removing the vehicle afterreparing fitting the vehicle labour , self starter stripping,checking all parts. armature field coil, brush carrier, bendexburned. the burned parts change and self asslembled and tested , self starter repair and service with damaged andburned parts , self starter change repair and service witharmature brush plate, brush and bushes , self starter repairand serivce with burned field coil, brush carrier, bushes andbendex change , van pump repair and service withdamaged seals and packing , cylinder head gasket change ,sleave cylinder , clutch cylinder , nozzle , valve in let andexhust , cylinder head removing the veh and taken to thelathe machine shop and stripping ang checking all partsvalves , turbo charger repair and service with new kit andseals , air drayer repair and service with damaged and seals, injector service and nozzle fitting testing and calibratingwith computerised machine , the all above mentioned partscylinder head, sleeve cylinder
Tender For supply of self field coild change - self armature change , self field coil change , brush carried change , solenoid switch change , bush self change , self repair and service charge , propeller shaft universal joint , clutch plate change , pressure plate change , release bearing , timing belt , timing tensioner , suspension bash kit , rear right side bearing , clutch cable , accelerator cale , speedo meter cable , ignition coil , the gear box assembly removed plate, release, old clutch plate,and veh engine tuning and vehicle testing labour charges , field coil shert change , solenoid burned change , armature short and damaged change , bushes change , self repair service, change the parts labour charges , ht lead change , fly wheel bearing change , release bearing change , spark plug change , hub oil seal inner and outer change , axial tube oil seal change , engine liner set change , connecting bearing change , engine main bearing change , thrust warber change , valve set change , valve guide change , head gasket change , oil seal kit change , water pump change , engine mounting pad , oil filter change , air filter change , fuel filter change , annabond paste , radiator house set change , fan belt change , timing belt change , radiator repair service and soldering , alternator repair and service , full engine removing stripping service, and engine assembling and mounting the veh and engine starting, running, cooling and setting , brake lining change , brake booster repair , dual brake valve change , self starter repair and service , brake drum skimming , vehicle gear box assembly dismantling the vehicle and release bearing fitting, gear box mounting the vehicle and gear testing , brake shoe, brake booster, clutch booster removing the vehicle after repair fitting the vehicle labour , vehicle electrical system full checking and burning looms, vehicle electrical system service and vehicle testing , rotary pump removing the vehicle and taken to the pump house and stripping checking all parts. all parts cleaning , pump full service and burned parts and oils seals, calibrating with computerised machine
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - industry unit; supply installation testing commissioning of automatic valve retrieval machine; service provider