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Tender For supply of heating element for waterboiler fitted in train-18, 2500 watt, 1 phase, 220v, 50 hz,is-4159. diameter of element:-180mm material ss-316, (item sketch attached as per sheet 1), make: universal or equivalent. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of gola silk carpet , plastic water and ice container bucket type with mug , plastic canvas - 30 x 30 , polyethylene canvas - 15 x 15 , handheld digital human body temperature measuring equipment - thermometer , wall chronometer - clock , pholox mat - jute , red sprinter - runner mat 3 x 2 , crockpot small - casserole , pressure hotplate heavy duty - stove , heating appliances - gas room heater , face steamer , water container hot and cold camper 10 ltr , hot water container - plastic tub , lithium battery 2.5v aa , hot waterboiler , sign pen
Tender For supply of waterboiler of 30ltr capacity for hot buffet lhb type coaches without water filter, confor ming to is:3412 along with control base & necessary plumbing & tap arrangement on common base plate conforming to rcf spec. no. edts-118, rev-e, amdt-2, cor-1, annexure 1 & drg. no. lh72221. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of pneumatic heavy duty grinder with i&c , vegetable cutter machine with i&c , electric juicer with i&c , potato / tomato peeler 5 kg cap. per cha with i&c , micro wave oven with i&c , water dispensing unit with i&c , atta grinder with i&c , masala grinder cap 6 to 8 kg with i&c , food service counter with hot & cold ar with i&c , electrical cooking range with i&c , atta kneeding machine with i&c , deep fat fryer with i&c , waterboiler / milk boiler with i&c , blender with i&c , 4 door refrigerator with i&c , pulveriser with i&c , electric frying pan with i&c , fridge/krisp cold bottle cooler/ refrige with i&c , gas stove ( hot plate) with i&c , trolly cum stand with i&c , electric ice cream freezer with i&c , ice making machine with i&c , electric oven with i&c , hot air/drying oven with i&c , chapati puffer gas operator model overa* with i&c , insect repellant fly trap with i&c , utensil washer with i&c , bulk cooker gas operator with i&c , milk boiler (s> s> electrical) with i&c , induction stove with i&c , electric griddle plate with i&c , tea/coffee vending machine with i&c
Tender For supply of set of mcb uses in switch board cabinet (sbc) of lhb ac coaches. 01 set contains 01 nos of 25a mcb 3p, 01 nos of 16a mcb 1p curve c, 01 nos of 6a mcb, 01 nos of 25a mcb 4p, 01 nos of 1 6a mcb 3p curve d, 01nos 16a mcb 3p curve c i.e. 6 items & 6 in nos. as per as per rdso specification no. rdso/pe/ spec/ 0184-2015(rev-1) or latest. material procures from oem or his authorized dealers only. de tails are as follows (i) mcb for rbc cum ebc rated current 25a, curve c, rated voltage 415 vac, 3pole, 10 k a breaking capacity. material is m/s l&t part no. bb30250c or m/s siemens part no. 5sl43257rc or m/s ab b part no. s203mtc25 o r m/s eaton part no. faz-c25/3 o r m/s schneider part n o . a9n3p25c. (ii) mc b for mobile/ laptop charging circuit, rated current 16a, curve c, rated voltage 230 vac, single pole, 10 ka brea king capacity. material is m/s l&t part no. bb10160c or m/s siemens part no. 5sl41167rc or m/s abb part no.s201mtc16 or m/s eaton part no. faz-c16 or m/s schneider part no. a9n1p16c. (iii) mcb for electrical s ocket/ soup boiler/ bottle cooler/ refrigerator/ mini printer rated current 6a, curve c, rated voltage 230 vac, 2 pole, 10 ka breaking capacity. material is m/s l&t part no. bb20060c or m/s siemens part no. 5sl4 2067rc or m/s abb part no.s202myc6 or m/s eaton part no. faz c6/2 or m/s schneider part no. a9n2p06c. (iv) mcb for 5 kva transformer (secondary) for mobile/ laptop charging circuit, rated current 25a, curve c, r ated voltage 230 vac, 4 pole, 10 ka breaking capacity. material is m/s l&t part no. bb40250c or m/s siem ens part no. 5sl44257rc or m/s abb part no. s204mtc25 or m/s eaton part no. faz c25/4 or m/s schneide r part no. a9n4p25c. (v) mcb for 5 kva transformers(primary) rated current 16a, curve d, rated voltage 41 5 vac, 3 pole, 10 ka breaking capacity. material is m/s l&t part no. bb30160d or m/s siemens part no. 5sl 73168rc o r m/s abb part no. s202mtd16 o r m/s eaton part n o . fazd16/3 o r m/s schneider part no. a9 n3p16d. (vi) mcb for heater 1& 2 rated current 16a, curve c, rated voltage 415vac, 3 pole, 10 ka breakin g capacity. material i s m/s l&t part n o . bb30160c o r m/s siemens part n o .5sl43167rc o r m /s a b b p a rt no. s203mtc16 o r m/s eaton part n o . faz-c16/3 o r m/s schneider part n o .a9n3p16c. note: firm sh ould supply proof of purchase from oem or authorized dealers only. firm should supply test certificate & gu aranty certificate along with supply of item. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]