Tender For annual tender for supply of necessary materials for pipeline maintenance and repair works at various places in the city for the water supply department of palghar municipal council - (a) c.i./d.i./valves/ fittings, 100 mm d.i k-9 pipe (158329-2000), 150 mm d.i k-9 pipe, 200 mm d.i k-9 pipe, 250 mm d.i k-9 pipe, 300 mm d.i k-9 pipe, 100 mm d.i k-7 pipe, 150 mm d.i k-7 pipe, 200 mm d.i k-7 pipe, 250 mm d.i k-7 pipe, 300 mm d.i k-7 pipe, 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - collar / coupling, 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - collar / coupling, 150mm dia d. i. mech. joint - collar / coupling, 200mm dia d. i. mech. joint - collar / coupling, 250mm dia d. i. mech. joint - collar / coupling, 300mm dia d. i. mech. joint - collar / coupling, 450mm dia d. i. mech. joint - collar / coupling, 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/ socket bend 900, 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/ socket bend 900, 150mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/ socket bend 900, 200mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/ socket bend 900, 250mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/ socket bend 900, 100 x 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 150 x 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 150 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 200 x 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 200 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 200 x 150mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 250 x 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 250 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 250 x 150mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 250 x 200mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 300 x 150mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 80 x 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 100 x 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 100 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 150 x 80mm dia c. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 150 x 150mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 200 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 200 x 200mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 250 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 250 x 200mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 250 x 250mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 300 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 300 x 200mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 300 x 300mm dia d. i. mech. joint - all socket tee, 300 x 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - d/s concentric reducer, 80mm dia d. i. mech. joint - flange socket pn-10, 100mm dia d. i. mech. joint - flange socket pn-10, 150mm dia d. i. mech. joint - flange socket pn-10, 200mm dia d. i. mech. joint - flange socket pn-10, 250mm dia d. i. mech. joint - flange socket pn-10, 50mm c.i. d/ f sluice valve pn-1.6 (is 14846), 65mm c.i. d/ f sluice valve pn-1.6 (is 14846), 80mm c.i. d/ f sluice valve pn-1.6 (is 14846), 100mm c.i. d/ f sluice valve pn-1.6 (is 14846), 150mm c.i. d/ f sluice valve pn-1.6 (is 14846), 200mm c.i. d/ f sluice valve pn-1.6 (is 14846), 250mm c.i. d/ f sluice valve pn-1.6 (is 14846), 80 mm di joint ring (s.b.r gasket for c.i./ d.i. pipe), 100 mm di joint ring (s.b.r gasket for c.i./ d.i. pipe), 150 mm di joint ring (s.b.r gasket for c.i./ d.i. pipe), 200 mm di joint ring (s.b.r gasket for c.i./ d.i. pipe), 250 mm di joint ring (s.b.r gasket for c.i./ d.i. pipe), 300 mm di joint ring (s.b.r gasket for c.i./ d.i. pipe), 350 mm di joint ring (s.b.r gasket for c.i./ d.i. pipe), 80mm - c.i.d joint (is-1538/1993) class 20, 100mm - c.i.d joint (is-1538/1993), 150mm - c.i.d joint (is-1538/1993), 200mm - c.i.d joint (is-1538/1993), 250mm - c.i.d joint (is-1538/1993), 300mm - c.i.d joint (is-1538/1993), 80mm d/f n.r.valve, 100mm d/f n.r.valve, 150 mm c. i. d/f n.r.valve (is 5312-1984) pn-1.6, 200 mm c. i. d/f n.r.valve (is 5312-1984) pn-1.6, 250 mm c. i. d/f n.r.valve (is 5312-1984) pn-1.6, 300 mm c. i. d/f n.r.valve (is 5312-1984) pn-1.6, 350 mm c. i. d/f n.r.valve (is 5312-1984) pn-1.6, 400 mm c. i. d/f n.r.valve (is 5312-1984) pn-1.6, 250 mm c. i. d/f n.r.valve (is 5
Tender For annual repair and maintenance of water supply from shanan to bvpcl colony at jhalwan for the year 2025-26 (w.e.f. 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026).
Tender For to carry out incomplete damaged civil repair works in residential tenements water supply lines soil waste rainwater down take pipes waterproofing treatment to terrace ugwt ohwt improvement of sewer lines and miscellaneous works at building no 1 kur
Tender For supply work of submersible pump set, pipe fittings and other materials under water supply., supply of hand pump material and repair work of submersible pump set, panel, starter etc., supply and repair of electrical materials etc. and supply and repair of sanitation materials etc.
Tender For work of building maintenance and small construction work, electricity sor 01.06.2020 ) road / drain maintenance and small road construction work, councillor fund, chairman fund, construction of entrance gate, repair/upgradation of urban public/community toilets, purchase of water supply material, purchase of sanitation materials, purchase of electrical materials, flex printing work, summer drinking water transportation work, tent & sound system rent, purchase of stationery items at various locations
Tender For work of building maintenance and small construction works, road/drain maintenance and small road construction works, councillor fund, chairman fund, construction of entrance gate, repair/upgradation of urban public/community toilets, purchase of water supply material , purchase of sanitation materials, purchase of electrical materials, flex printing work, tractor tanker hire for summer drinking water transportation work, tent & sound system rent , purchase of stationery items at various locations
Tender For corrigendum : maintenance/repair/restoration of damages and emergent/urgent nature of works with minor extensions of water supply scheme/building repair works/protection works
Tender For corrigendum : maintenance/repair/restoration of damages and emergent/urgent nature of works with minor extensions of water supply scheme/building repair works/protection works
Tender For repair and preventive maintenance of centrifugal pump sets of pump houses and their panels and submersible pump sets and their panel of tube well in water supply scheme under citydn-ii (south), jyoti nagar jaipur