Tender For providing laying fixing pvc pipe rain water harvesting,chain link compound smashanbhumi and gp office , constructiong urinal block,solid liquid management scheme,house tap connection tal satana dist nashik
Tender For construction for roof top rain water harvesting scheme at bural rescue centre, jl no.-388, plot no.-151 within bural gp under sabang panchayat samity, fund-15fc tied supply 2023-24. activity code-108739465.
Tender For corrigendum : providing and laying of water supply, sewerage system, strom water scheme, flexible pavement road and rain water harvesting in village agwanpur, palwal.(including 3 years maintenance and defect liability period free of cost.)
Tender For 111 anti erosion works and 01 rain water harvesting (rwh) scheme_protection of nabinagar khowaria li scheme from the erosion of bijoy river under wr sub-division, bishalgarh during the year 2023-24