Tender For corrigendum : repairing and maintenence service to the machinery of the modern abattoir slaughter house in ramnaspura division (55) in falaknuma circle-10 of bahadurpura constituency
Tender For annual rate contract (arc) for hiring of diesel generator sets at various waterdistributionstations (wdss) on percentage rate basis 2nd attempt
Tender For in the khadia ward of the central zone, the works related to making new connections on the old main lines ci/di/ms and psc lines on the main road from the network of tower road, relief road, gandhi road, salapas road, pirhamadsha masjid road and waterdistributionstation, adding pressure correction, repairing leakage and doing necessary civil works. (annual tender)
Tender For providing temporary sheds and other allied services for the arrangement of bakri eid event 2025 on hiring basis at deonar abattoir (group-i). bid no. : 2025_mcgm_1162835_1.
Tender For providing temporary sheds and other allied services for the arrangement of bakri eid event 2025 on hiring basis at deonar abattoir (group ii). bid no. : 2025_mcgm_1162837_1.
Tender For providing temporary sheds and other allied services for the arrangement of bakri eid event 2025 on hiring basis at deonar abattoir (group iii). bid no. : 2025_mcgm_1162840_1.
Tender For maintenance work repairing and restoration work of ci di ms psc line in all waterdistributionstation network and leakage repairing work and other miscellaneous works at sola bhagvat area t.p.56 area and t.p. 221 area and other diff places of gota ward in north west zone. (a.r.c.)