Tender For corrigendum : construction of intermediate cwph at kotra ( baseri), laying of clear watertransmissionmain from kotra to naroli, nadbai via junction 2 at naroli, ips nadbai, nagar, ramgarh, kishangarhbas tijara (jairoli) and bhiwadi from kishanbas to mandaw
Tender For corrigendum : work for construction of intermediate cwph at all ipss cpss, laying of clear watertransmissionmain from mandrail wtp to block cps/ips all pumping stations up to sawai madhopur. construction of cwrs and intermediate pump houses and off takes. con
Tender For corrigendum : work for construction of water treatment plants, cwrs and cwphs near wtps clear watertransmissionmain from wtp various ipss, laying of rising mains to different esrs, construction of esrs, distribution system in villages , providing fhtcs including