Tender For nctps ii - m i circle mpm ac plant carrying out preventive / breakdown maintenance works in condenser/chilled water pumps, pipe line & valves /strainer and cooling towers of ac systems in power house building and service building for a period of one year from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026.
Tender For dnit for augmentation at water supply scheme talwandi dandian (2 nos) in block tanda district hoshiarpur. (under head nabard-xxx/state share/additional state govt share) providing and installing deep tubewell 200mm i/d straight tubewell 100 mtr depth with 20 mtr stainless strainer with reverse rotary rig, repair of existing 100 kl ltr capacity ohsr, distribution system,household service connection, water meter, disinfections unit electronically actuated type,supplying and laying of pvc pipes for rising main with specials, sluice valves and huadies, c.i. fitting inside pump chamber , providing & installing pumping machinery & solar system complete, development of water works, const. of pump chamber with w.c size 3.05 3.70mtr . complete, all civil works, carriage of material, & provision for environmental management etc complete in all respects
Tender For supply of compartmental plate,thermo cattle,dekshi with lid,tong for pot,frying tong,service spoon,skimmer spoon,poteto peeller machine,tea strainer,choping board,frying pan tei,domestic gas stop set,hot case,kitchen knife,choping knife,roti roller set,aluminium handi for cookingkorphu,mug with handle,kadhai khang,fry pan,grinder for kitchen,steel bucket,tea spoon,ladle big long spoon,stainless steel basin,glass,pressure cooker,kadhai khang,half plate,thali,water putifier with cooler,bain marie,roti making machine,gas burner commercial burner,table tennis for recreation room,steel almirah for students steel bed for students,steel beds for students,mattress for students,chairs for students,tables for students,steel almirah for warden room,steel bed for warden room,mattress for warden room,chair for warden room,table for warden room,dining tables,wash basin attach to working table,reception counter with sofa set,visitor room with sofa set,study room table 4ft 8ft,benches for study room,computer with table and chairs