Tender For corrigendum : design, supply, installation, commissioning, training of various type of equipments for esdm (electronic system design and manufacturing) of msme training centers located at greater noida, bengaluru, puducherry and idemi mumbai on turnkey basis - decade resistance box , ct/pt calibration system , multifunction calibrator , decade capacitance box , ct analyzer , standard resistors , standard weights (el class) , pippete calibration system , low temperature bath (-80 to ambient degree temperature) , frequency counter , energy meter test system (3 position) , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (high) , decade inductor box , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (low) , sound level calibrator , digital power analyser , decade resistance box (4 nos.) , process calibrator , hv divider , decade mega ohm box , standard weights (e2 class) , 6 and half dmm , temperature indicator , time interval meter , temperature indicator with compensation , standard weights (f1 class) , semi-micro balance (upto 200 gms) , tachometer calibrator , standard thermocouple (type s) without compensation , sound level analyzer , standard platinum resistance temperature (prt) detector , precision balance (upto 6.1 kg) , thermo-couple calibartion furnace (300 to 1100 degree temperature) , lcr bridge , humidity measurement probe , dry block calibrator (ambient to 600 degree temperature) , anechoic chamber with radiated susceptbility and radiated emission test system , alltitude test chamber , compact emc tester , environmental chamber , digital pressure controller (dead weight pressure tester) , line impedance stablizing network , harmonics/flicker measurement test system , impulse generator , rf shielded chamber , vibration plus environmental chamber , three phase regulated variable power source , humidity generator, relative humidity , bump/shock test system , heat deflection temperature test set , vibration test system , electronic load , conducted rf immunity simulator , rohs testing lab - inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (icp-oes) , thermal shock chamber , ac dc current source , ultra precision capacitance bridge , esd simulator , horizontaland verticlal flame chamber , rohs testing lab - energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (edxrf) , single phase regulated variable power source , precision energy standard , rohs testing lab - gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (gc-ms) , ingress of water test system - i set , rohs testing lab - ion- chromatograph (ic) , needle flametest chamber , salt spray chamber , dust chamber , digital storage oscilloscope , defibrillator proof test set , thermostat endurance test set , flexing test apparatus , electrical safety tester , winding resistance meter , temperature recorder , radiation meter , tracking test apparatus , gas detector , cord anchorage test set , digital multimeter (handheld/desktop) , glow wire test apparatus
Tender For lab equipment botany,chemistry,zoology,physics,geography - package1, distillation apparatus single distillation capacity 5lt, micro pipette (fixed) 1- 5 ml, water bath double wall (12 holes) stainless steel, colorimeter, heating mental with regulator cap 500 ml, autoclave portable, vortex shaker, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, ph meter, hot air oven stainless steel, autoclave vertical 55 ltr, digital colony counter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, binocular microscope, soxhlet extraction unit, chemical balance, digital ph meter with electrodes, heating mental (2 lt) 500 w, d o meter digital, oven universal, vaccum pump, potientio meter digital, electronic digital balance, magnetic strirrer with hot plate, spectrophotometer 340-900nm range, water and soil testing analysis kit, melting point appratus digital, bod incubator, digital thermo meter, ph meter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, water and soil testing analysis kit, digital haemoglobino meter, screw gauge, resistance box (various length), rheostate (various length), ammeter d.c/a.c. (requied ranage), voltmeter d.c./a.c. (requied ranage), galvanometer, digital multimeter, sealss apppearatus to determine the coefficient of thermal condutivityc, sodium vapour lamp, app to study charging and discharging of a capacitor, apparatus for measurement of capacitance abd inducance using impedenace at different frequency, apparatus for measurement of wavelength of i ruler with laser complete setup, impedance and power factor of lcr circuit, serier and parallelresonance circuit, diac and triac characterstics apparatus, vernier caliper, inernier table, photo diode charaterstics apparatus, dielectric constant apparats, interior of earth, geographical terms, model of restless earth., formation of rocks, glacial landscape, three stages of river ( water cycle ), conventional signs, oxygen & carbon cycle in nature, air & water pollution, rock cycle, geomorphological models, folds & faults, geomorphological models, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, outline black board maps on p.v.c., weather maps of india (latest editions), stencil sets in english text, stencil sets in hindi text, raised relief plastic topographical maps, minerals, metallic ores, rocks, rocks forming minerals, minerals & rocks, rocks & minerals, rocks (large size), minerals (large size), clinometer compass, goniometer, mirror stereoscope, pocket stereoscope, aerial photographs, stereo atlas, astronomy fact book, times atlas of the world, bg geographical globes, bg geographical illuminated 2 in1 globe, inflatable globes, political globe with physical shading by nova rico, geographers photographs, the solar system, french curve, planimeter, pentagraph, drawing instrument box, wind wane, rain guage, ranging rods, tripod stand for ranging rods, levelling staff aluminum, levelling staff aluminum, measuring tapes 15 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 30 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 50 meter fiber glass, survey umbrella 7 , prismatic compass, brunton compass, plane table complete set as per survey of india pattern, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nystrom, metronome with bell witter
Tender For supply of college chemistry lab item - abbe refractrometer, analytical balance 200 gram in teak wood case, analytical weight box 100 gm brass, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, digital bomb calorimeter, round centrifuge, double door refrigerator, digital balance 2kg, digital melting point apparatus, digitalph meter, single distillation assembly, fire extinguisher, heating mentle, rectangular hot plate 18 x12 ,18 x24 , roung hot plate, ion meter, kjheldhal distillation unit, magnetic stirrer, melting point apparatus, micro centrifuge machine, microwave oven, mixer small, muffle furnace, multi function printer laser, hot air oven, red wood visco meter no.1, copper water bath 6 , thin layer chromatography, water testing kit, water bath shaker incubator, vacuum pump, microprocessor based conductivity & tds meter, rotary vacuumeva porator, single crucible heater, sprayer, microprocessor based conductivity & tds meter
Tender For supply of hospital item - supply of hospital items, dermapen cartiridge, on call glucometer cell, rechargeable cell clock, rechargeable cell pencil, cell charger for pencil cell, cell charger for clock cell, hit anti roach gel- cockroach killer (20gm), hit flying insect killer- mosquito & fly killer spray (200ml) red\black, eg clean pocha (vip) 50 c.m., eg clean pocha kapda (vip) 50 c.m., plastic container 10 ltr, centrifuge tubes - 06, test tube pack of 50, micro pipette 50 to 200 ul, tips holder big, tips holder small, capillary tubes, filter paper pack of 50, glass pencil, water bottle plastic pipe, ift, laser, supionution and pronution excerciser, treadmill (led + 5 hp + upto 16 km/h + incline/decline), write excerciser, hand exerciser table, peg board, theru table, therubend, sponfy ball/gymball/medicine ball, balance bord, ancle exercise, pedo cycle, showder ladder, wheel chair, watch (wall), examination table (draw), x ray view box, office chair revolving, instrument trolly, dressing tray, glass for table top, lori 2 percent jelly, dressing drum, x ray viewer view box led single film illuminator x ray viewer, draw sheet green color cloth for patient procedure, hole sheet green color cloth for patient procedure, glass jar 500 ml, tissue paper pack of 100, bipolar cable and forceps should be provided with machineeasily partabilityvariable intensity up to 50 wattsmachine should offer instant electrocoagulation, electrodesiccation, electrofulguration, and electrosectioniso & bis accreditedinstalled by oem with trained service engineers/service representativesall the specification with all compliance, aluminium partition (14x10,14x12,10x12)iron struture framleminated boardfiber celing sheet with labur chargerepairing per square feet charge, polycarbonate roofing sheets per square feet rate, green curtain per square meter, advanced pelvic examination and gynecological simulator, anatomy lab obstetric examination trainer torso, episiotomy trainer and suturing simulator, perineal repiar trainer, female vulva incision perineal suture practice model, intrauterine insemination device training kit, iud training model female intrauterine contraceptive device simulater trainer, breast examination model, polycarbonate roofing sheets per square feet rate, green curtain per square meter - supply of hospital items, dermapen cartiridge, on call glucometer cell, rechargeable cell clock, rechargeable cell pencil, cell charger for pencil cell, cell charger for clock cell, hit anti roach gel- cockroach killer (20gm), hit flying insect killer- mosquito & fly killer spray (200ml) red\black, eg clean pocha (vip) 50 c.m., eg clean pocha kapda (vip) 50 c.m., plastic container 10 ltr, centrifuge tubes - 06, test tube pack of 50, micro pipette 50 to 200 ul, tips holder big, tips holder small, capillary tubes, filter paper pack of 50, glass pencil, water bottle plastic pipe, ift, laser, supionution and pronution excerciser, treadmill (led + 5 hp + upto 16 km/h + incline/decline), write excerciser, hand exerciser table, peg board, theru table, therubend, sponfy ball/gymball/medicine ball, balance bord, ancle exercise, pedo cycle, showder ladder, wheel chair, watch (wall), examination table (draw), x ray view box, office chair revolving, instrument trolly, dressing tray, glass for table top, lori 2 percent jelly, dressing drum, x ray viewer view box led single film illuminator x ray viewer, draw sheet green color cloth for patient procedure, hole sheet green color cloth for patient procedure, glass jar 500 ml, tissue paper pack of 100, bipolar cable and forceps should be provided with machineeasily partabilityvariable intensity up to 50 wattsmachine should offer instant electrocoagulation, electrodesiccation, electrofulguration, and electrosectioniso & bis accreditedinstalled by oem with trained service engineers/service representativesall the specification with all compliance, aluminium partition (14x10,14x12,10x12)iron struture framle