Tender For supply of lab equipment for d.pharma - ampoule filling & sealing machine , ampoules washing machine , arsenic determination apparatus as per usp , ball mill (1 kg) , body weighing machine 100g to 130kg , pan size (mm)-280 x 280 x 23.5 , camera lucida , capsule counter , capsule filling machine (100 capsules) , clarity test apparatus , digital photoelectric colorimeter with 8 filters (1ml.) %t & abs., conc. and k-factor 1ml sample volume, display: 2 line 16 character , lcd , light source: white led, eight optical filters on a turret to cover 400-700 nm , conductivity meter (digital) , micro controller based, range: 0.1 s - 200 ms , resolution: 0.001 s, temperature : 00 c-, 1000 c (auto / manual), readout : 7 digits led (3 digits for temp. and 4 digits for cond.) , printer interface for 80 column d.m. printer , copper water bath , digital glucometer brand accu-chek , model name instant blood glucose glucometer , battery cell composition lithium lon , operating time 10 seconds , double cone blender , electronic water bath (12 holes, analog, double walled)40 x 30 x 10 with 12 holes of 7.5 cm dia (electric, thermostatic), eye piece micrometer , hutchinson's spirometer, capacity 6 litre complete with chain/chord compensates counter balance to float through pulley. tube calibrated to denote volume. inlet and outlet tubes provided. complete with corrugated tube and mouth piece. , digital melting point apparatus, accurate determination of melting points of solid samples. apparatus should comprised of cylindrical silicon oil bath, built in magnetic stirrer with speed controller, electronic heat controller, digital temp. display with pt 100 sensor, glass free background light with adjustable light intensity, provision for holding the melting point display.temp. range 2c above room temp. to 250c 1.0c, 3% digit , micropipette single channels 1-10 ??, 10-100 ??, 100-1000 l (set of 3). fully autoclavable & uv resistance , click-stop system for digital volume set ting. , ergonomic design ensuring light weight & sof t plunger movement. , two step plunger operation allows "reverse pipet ting technique". , calibration as per din 12650 & en-iso 8655 standards. , high accuracy and precision guaranteed. , individual serial no. permanently marked on each pipet te. , calibration repor t enclosed with every pipet te. , color coded for easy identification , mili pore filter set with membrane dia-25/13mm pore size -0.2/0.4 , nessler's cylinders (50ml)for colour comparison class b graduated , peak flow meter (for adult), potentiometer (digital) bipolar the advantages of the digital potentiometer , 318 at a glance: , high quality precision manual instrument , accurate end point , uniform stirrer , mv range: 0-+1999 , resolution: 1mv , readout: 3% digit led , refractometer (analogue) refrective index , nd-1.3000-1.7000, sugar solution quality dispersion (brix)-0.0-95% brix, accuracy-+/-0.0002nd , refrigerator (domestic) 190l (single door) , bottle sealing machine , sphygmomanometer , stage and eye piece micrometers , stethoscope , tablet coating machine , tincture press , single soxlet extraction unit 250 ml.extraction unit metal stand with heating mantle , g 1 , single soxlet extraction unit 100 ml. , g 1 , conical percolator , heating mantle 250 ml digital with stirrer pu coated aluminium & stainless steel construction simply set power knob to attained selected values designed for advanced laboratory usage ss & aluminium construction for round bottomed flasks as per din 12347 glass fibre yarn knitted mantle provides uniform heating to flask predictable electronic power regulator provision to attach accessories innovative spill collect system enables collection of spillage in case of breakage of flasks upto 5 ltr fewer parts give longer life easy to use and maintain , disintegrator , tablet coating pan unit with hot air blower laboratory size , monsanto's hardness tester , tablet counter - small size , blender , lab ce
Tender For corrigendum : supply of lab chemicals-, supply of iso -prophyl alcohol on contract basis., supply of hydrochloric acid (lr grade) on contract basis., supply of ammonium sulphate on contract basis., supply of potassium permanganate on contract basis., supply of formaldehyde on contract basis., supply of iso amyl alcohol on contract basis., supply of absorbent cotton on contract basis., supply of non-absorbent cotton on contract basis, supply of phmeter on contract basis., supply of tds conductivity meter on contract basis., supply of weighing balance 5kg on contract basis., supply of cast iron weight 20 kg on contract basis, supply of gsm cutter with weighing balance on contract basis, supply of digital thickness gauge micro meter on contract basis, supply of digital vernier caliper on contract basis, supply of digital micro meter screw gauge micro meter on contract basis
Tender For nib for procurement of supply for equipments under csir-aspire funded research project - cow dung pot making machine , digital weighing balance , penetrometer , refractometer , trinocular digital microscope with , inbuilt camera & software , manual hydraulic press , portable ethylene gas detector , dough kneader machine
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of various equipments for microbiology dept. - autoclave 24 x30 (as per tender specification), bod incubator (as per tender specification), biosafety cabinet class ii b2 (3ft x 2 ft x2 ft) (as per tender specification), digital weighing balance (as per tender specification), incubator bacteriological 24 x 24 x 36 (as per tender specification), ph meter (2 point) (as per tender specification), semi automatic elisa reader with elisa washer (as per tender specification)
Tender For corrigendum : supplying & installing nabl approved equipments for civil worktesting at piplaj hotmix plant for ahmedabad muncipal corporation.(amc) - electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 304)-(compact )-4 ltr/hour, compact cbr load frame-electrical-single speed, non nuclear density gauge (soil), rapid moisture meter-0 - 25 percentage with pressure gauge, standard penetration test apparatus with accessories - motorised, digital constant temp. waterbath for marshal test -6 moulds-100 mm, bitumen extractor - motorised with variable speed with digital rpm indicator with ac motor and drive, automatic compactor for marshal test - 4" dia specimen, unconfined compression tester-digital (marshal), ductility testing machine - digital temp control - refrigerated - is 1208, ring and ball apparatus-(programmable)-(digital)-(astm d36) with accessories, thin film oven - as per is 9382 as per is:9382., sand equivalent value test apparatus with accessories, sand equivalent mechanical shaker - motorized (astm d2419) with digital rpm indicator and digital timer, standard penetrometer for bitumen - automatic digital timer - dial gauge as per is 1203, is 1448. astm d5., saybolt viscometer - with digital controller and motorised stirrer - astm d88, pensky marten flash point apparatus-digital with motorised stirrer, asphalt content oven-(asphalt ignition oven)-(astm d6307), planetary mixer-for bituminous mix-digital- 20 ltrs, hardness tester for bitumen mastic asphalt with accessories, infrared thermometer - (-50c to 500 c), digital thermometer-(dtm 100)-300c-(cr/al (k))- with 12" long temp.probe, round hot plate-c.i. top-digital-20 cm, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-automatic pace rate controlled, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-digital - manual pacecontrol- auto calculation, cube mould-15 cm-isi marked u is:10086., concrete permeability tester - as per din 1048 - 3 cell - with air compressor, laboratory needle vibrato include 25mm needle with 6 meter long rubber shaft, laboratory concrete mixer-tilting drum type, vibrating table-100 x 100 cm, aggregate impact testing machine with blow counter, flow table (cement)-motorised - 25cm dia - m.s. top - is 5512, air entrainment meter - 0.005 cubic mtr - is: 1199 with accessories, los angeles abrasion testing machine - with presettable digital counter, riffle sample divider - g.i. 25mm - no. of slot : 16, electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 3
Tender For supply, installation, commissioning of machinery and equipment of food testing labouratory for common incubation centre at krishi upaj mandi samiti f and v terminal market muhana jaipur-, hot air oven (as per description enclosed annexure vii), digital abbe refractrometer & moisture meter (as per description enclosed annexure vii), moisture balance (as per description enclosed annexure vii), analytical weighing balance (as per description enclosed annexure vii), digital ph meter (multi parameter) (as per description enclosed annexure vii), texture analyser (as per description enclosed annexure vii), mass spectrometer & gas chromatography- (ms-gs) (as per description enclosed annexure vii), silica crucible (as per description enclosed annexure vii), muffle furnance (as per description enclosed annexure vii), fully automated fat extraction system (as per description enclosed annexure vii), automatic kjeldahl nitrogen /protein analysis system(as per description enclosed annexure vii), automatic crude fibre analysis system (as per description enclosed annexure vii), autoclave (as per description enclosed annexure vii), laminar air flow chamber (as per description enclosed annexure vii), microbiological incubator (as per description enclosed annexure vii), gun thermometer(as per description enclosed annexure vii), glassware(as per description enclosed annexure vii)