Tender For corrigendum : design, supply, installation, commissioning, training of various type of equipments for esdm (electronic system design and manufacturing) of msme training centers located at greater noida, bengaluru, puducherry and idemi mumbai on turnkey basis - decade resistance box , ct/pt calibration system , multifunction calibrator , decade capacitance box , ct analyzer , standard resistors , standard weights (el class) , pippete calibration system , low temperature bath (-80 to ambient degree temperature) , frequency counter , energy meter test system (3 position) , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (high) , decade inductor box , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (low) , sound level calibrator , digital power analyser , decade resistance box (4 nos.) , process calibrator , hv divider , decade mega ohm box , standard weights (e2 class) , 6 and half dmm , temperature indicator , time interval meter , temperature indicator with compensation , standard weights (f1 class) , semi-micro balance (upto 200 gms) , tachometer calibrator , standard thermocouple (type s) without compensation , sound level analyzer , standard platinum resistance temperature (prt) detector , precision balance (upto 6.1 kg) , thermo-couple calibartion furnace (300 to 1100 degree temperature) , lcr bridge , humidity measurement probe , dry block calibrator (ambient to 600 degree temperature) , anechoic chamber with radiated susceptbility and radiated emission test system , alltitude test chamber , compact emc tester , environmental chamber , digital pressure controller (dead weight pressure tester) , line impedance stablizing network , harmonics/flicker measurement test system , impulse generator , rf shielded chamber , vibration plus environmental chamber , three phase regulated variable power source , humidity generator, relative humidity , bump/shock test system , heat deflection temperature test set , vibration test system , electronic load , conducted rf immunity simulator , rohs testing lab - inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (icp-oes) , thermal shock chamber , ac dc current source , ultra precision capacitance bridge , esd simulator , horizontaland verticlal flame chamber , rohs testing lab - energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (edxrf) , single phase regulated variable power source , precision energy standard , rohs testing lab - gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (gc-ms) , ingress of water test system - i set , rohs testing lab - ion- chromatograph (ic) , needle flametest chamber , salt spray chamber , dust chamber , digital storage oscilloscope , defibrillator proof test set , thermostat endurance test set , flexing test apparatus , electrical safety tester , windingresistancemeter , temperature recorder , radiation meter , tracking test apparatus , gas detector , cord anchorage test set , digital multimeter (handheld/desktop) , glow wire test apparatus
Tender For electrical work in connection with extension of bay-1 & 2 with gantry rail, extension of gantry rail height up to 1 metre, dismantling & filling work in bay -4 & 5, scrap yard near cnc shed and s&t work at loco shed izzatnagar & provision of 170 meter extension of existing ist washing pit at lalkuan station in izn division.
Tender For auction sale of defective scrapable sc zinc regulator,misc electrical items (solar street panels),ref no-2507/24-25/27,scrap diesel generator set 1 number, rfd no-2432/24-25/13,scrap telescopic conveyor 1 number, rfd no-2432/24-25/13,scrap transformer 1 number, rfd no-2432/24-25/13,scrap hydrant ring main lot of 66 nos., rfd no-2432/24-25/13,photocopier, xerox make - 1 number,ref no-2432/24-25/14,lexmark t 650 dn printer - 1 number,ref no-2432/24-25/14,lot of scrap chain conveyor unit including 70 meter long conveyor,miscellaneous ms scrap,ref no-2432/24-25/17,miscellaneous ms scrap,ref no-2504/24-25/25,lot of 24 nos. hydrant hose boxes & 1 no. electronic weigh scale