Tender For civil and electrical renovation of embedded system prototyping lab high power system lab system testing calibration lab at csir ceeri pilani
Tender For providing diesel driven bolero camper (with power steering/ windows) along with driver for maintenance of ehv lines & ehv sub-stations under electrical system division, hpsebl, hamirpur.
Tender For operation, servicing, breakdown attendance of electrical distribution system and all electrical accessories at tata hall, new teaching block, amphitheatre, new academic building, l1, l2, l3, l4 lecture gallery, all academic class rooms of a b c block, ramanujan hostel, vlmp hostel, tagore hostel, annexe hostel, new hostel, lake view hostel, mdc, operation of passenger lifts at nf 3 building in i.i.m.c. campus joka
Tender For providing and fixing the electrical work required for the installation of one (01) new 80 kw 800 ma digital radiography (dr) system at charak palika hospital, moti bagh