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X Ray Film Viewer Tenders

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Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38678001 Due date: 28 Jan, 202528 Jan, 2025 140
Tender For corrigendum : supply and installation of medical laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test (cprt) basis to biochemistry, pathology and microbiology at central laboratory at kodagu institute of medical sciences karnataka for the period of 05 years - hcv rapidkoimsmdk, hbsag rapidkoimsmdk, hiv rapidkoimsmdk, ddimerkoimsmdk, serum testosteronekoimsmdk, estradiol e2koimsmdk, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate dheaskoimsmdk, progesteronekoimsmdk, insulinkoimsmdk, cpeptide c peptide connecting peptidekoimsmdk, pthparathormonekoimsmdk, cortisolkoimsmdk, prolactinkoimsmdk, follicle stimulating hormone fshkoimsmdk, luteinizing hormone lhkoimsmdk, adrenocorticotropic hormone acthkoimsmdk, carcinoembryonic antigen ceakoimsmdk, calcitoninkoimsmdk, cancer antigen 153 ca 153koimsmdk, cancer antigen 199 ca 199koimsmdk, cancer antigen 125 ca 125koimsmdk, human chorionic gonadotropin hcg beta hcgkoimsmdk, alpha fetoprotein afpkoimsmdk, prostatespecific antigen psa freekoimsmdk, prostate specific antigen psa totalkoimsmdk, beta 2 microglobulin b2m b2 microglobulinkoimsmdk, drug sensitivity test for cerebrospinal fluid csf all body fluids bloodurineascitespleural fluidspus sputum etckoimsmdk, automated blood culture and sensitivitykoimsmdk, culture and sensitivitykoimsmdk, thyroglobulinkoimsmdk, thyroid stimulating hormone tshkoimsmdk, tetraiodothyronine t4koimsmdk, triiodothyronine t3koimsmdk, t3 t4 tsh thyroid function test tftkoimsmdk, calcitriol 25 hydroxycholecalciferol vitamin d3 assay vit d3koimsmdk, magnesiumkoimsmdk, chloridekoimsmdk, vitamin b12 assaykoimsmdk, serum ferritinkoimsmdk, serum ironkoimsmdk, lipid profile total cholesterol ldl hdltriglycerideskoimsmdk, rheumatoid factor rh factor testkoimsmdk, adakoimsmdk, liver function test lftkoimsmdk, kidney function test kftkoimsmdk, glycosylated haemoglobin hba1ckoimsmdk, blood gas analysis arterial blood gas abgkoimsmdk, troponin tkoimsmdk, troponin ikoimsmdk, cpk mb ck mb masskoimsmdk, acid phosphatasekoimsmdk, alkaline phosphatasekoimsmdk, lactate dehydrogenase ldhkoimsmdk, prothrombin time pt international normalized ratio inrkoimsmdk, creatine phosphokinase cpkcreatine kinase ckkoimsmdk, glucose tolerance test gttkoimsmdk, triglycerideskoimsmdk, anemia profilekoimsmdk, serum ammoniakoimsmdk, serum electrolyteskoimsmdk, serum potassiumkoimsmdk, serum sodiumkoimsmdk, serum magnesiumkoimsmdk, serum lactatekoimsmdk, serum lipasekoimsmdk, serum amylasekoimsmdk, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase sgot aspartate aminotransferase astkoimsmdk, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase sgpt alanine aminotransferase altkoimsmdk, total protein albuminglobulin ratio ag ratiokoimsmdk, serum phosphoruskoimsmdk, serum calcium totalkoimsmdk, glucose fasting and ppkoimsmdk, total iron binding capacitykoimsmdk, serum cholesterolkoimsmdk, albuminkoimsmdk, body fluid csfascitic fluid etcsugar protein etckoimsmdk, c reactive protein crp quantitativekoimsmdk, c reactive protein crpkoimsmdk, serum bilirubin total and directkoimsmdk, serum uric acidkoimsmdk, urine total proteinskoimsmdk, urine occult bloodkoimsmdk, urine ketoneskoimsmdk, serum creatininekoimsmdk, blood urea nitrogen bun ureakoimsmdk, urine pregency testkoimsmdk, twenty four hrs urine for proteinssodium creatinine 50 58koimsmdk, il6koimsmdk, cortisolkoimsmdkk, pro bnpkoimsmdk, anti ccp cyclic citrullinated peptidekoimsmdk, cholinesterasekoimsmdk, osmotic fragility testkoimsmdk, peripheral smear examinationkoimsmdk, differential leucocytic count dlckoimsmdk, total leucocytic countkoimsmdk , sickling testkoimsmdk, blood glucose random blood glucose fasting blood glucose ppkoimsmdk, bt and ctkoimsmdk, platelet countkoimsmdk, retic countkoimsmdk, coombs dctkoimsmdk, coombs ictkoimsmdk , blood grouping and rh typingkoimsmdk, mantouxkoimsmdkk, water analysiskoimsmdkk, torch igmkoimsmdkk, leptopsira ictkoimsmdk , activated partial thromboplastintime apttkoimsmdk, ot envoirmental swab culture swabkoimsmdk , mantouxkoimsmdk, water analysiskoims

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38558766 Due date: 24 Jan, 202524 Jan, 2025 108
Tender For corrigendum : for the supply and installation of medical laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test (cprt) basis to biochemistry, pathology and microbiology at central laboratory at chamarajnagar institute of medical sciences karnataka for the period of 05 years - syphilis rapid cims, hcv rapid cims, hbsag rapizd cims, hiv rapid cims, d-dimer cims, serum testosterone cims, estradiol (e2) cims, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (dheas) cims, progesterone. cims, insulin cims, c-peptide (c peptide / connecting peptide) cims, pth(parathormone) cims, cortisol cims, prolactin cims, follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) cims, luteinizing hormone (lh) cims, adrenocorticotropic hormone (acth) cims, carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) cims, calcitonin cims, cancer antigen 15.3 (ca 15.3) cims, cancer antigen 19.9 (ca 19.9) cims, cancer antigen 125 (ca 125) cims, human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)/ beta hcg cims, alpha fetoprotein (afp) cims, prostate-specific antigen (psa) -free cims, prostate specific antigen (psa)- total. cims, beta 2 microglobulin (b2m) /b2 microglobulin cims, drug sensitivity test for cerebrospinal fluid (csf) / all body fluids (blood/urine/ascites/pleural fluids/pus /sputum, etc) cims, automated blood culture and sensitivity cims, thyroglobulin cims, thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) cims, tetraiodothyronine t4 cims, triiodothyronine- t3 cims, t3, t4, tsh -thyroid function test (tft) cims, calcidiol / 25 hydroxycholecalciferol / vitamin d3 assay (vit d3) cims, magnesium cims, chloride cims, vitamin b12 assay. cims, serum ferritin cims, serum iron cims, lipid profile. (total cholesterol, ldl, hdl, triglycerides) cims, rheumatoid factor / rh factor test cims, ada cims, liver function test (lft) cims, kidney function test (kft) cims, glycosylated haemoglobin (hba1c) cims, blood gas analysis / arterial blood gas (abg) cims, troponin t cims, troponin i cims, cpk mb/ ck mb mass cims, acid phosphatase cims, alkaline phosphatase cims, lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) cims, prothrombin time (pt)/ international normalized ratio (inr) cims, creatine phosphokinase (cpk)/creatine kinase (ck) cims, glucose tolerance test (gtt) cims, triglycerides cims, anemia profile cims, serum ammonia cims, serum electrolytes cims, serum potassium cims, serum sodium cims, serum magnesium cims, serum lactate cims, serum lipase cims, serum amylase cims, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (sgot) / aspartate aminotransferase (ast) cims, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (sgpt) / alanine aminotransferase (alt) cims, total protein albumin/globulin ratio (a/g ratio) cims, serum phosphorus cims, serum calcium total cims, glucose (fasting & pp) cims, total iron binding capacity cims, serum cholesterol cims, albumin. cims, body fluid (csf/ascitic fluid etc.)sugar, protein etc. cims, c reactive protein (crp) quantitative cims, c reactive protein (crp) cims, serum bilirubin total & direct cims, serum uric acid cims, urine total proteins cims, urine occult blood cims, urine ketones cims, serum creatinine cims, blood urea nitrogen (bun) / urea cims, twenty four hrs urine for proteins,sodium, creatinine 50 58 cims, blood glucose random / blood glucose fasting / blood glucose pp cims, activated partial thromboplastintime (aptt) cims, packed cell volume (pcv) cims, dengue elisa cims, syphilis clia cims, hcv clia cims, hbsag clia cims, hiv clia cims, pct cims, chickengunya rapid cims, malaria rapid cims, dengue rapid cims, absolute eosinophil count (aec) cims, complete haemogram/cbc, hb,rbc count and indices,tlc, dlc, platelet, esr, peripheral smear examination cims, cbc cims, total red cell count with mcv,mch,mchc,drw cims, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr) cims, haemoglobin (hb) cims, stool occult blood cims, automated semen analysis cims, stool routine and microscopy cims, urine routine- ph, specific gravity, sugar, protein and microscopy cims

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :37523103 Due date: 24 Jan, 202524 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : annual maintenance contract for medical equipments at ntpc bongaigaon

CTN :38984409 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 21.90 Lacs
Tender For supply and fixing of medical equipments at baugur hospital, pali

CTN :38562606 Due date: 11 Dec, 202411 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : re-tender for supply, installation & commissioning of medical equipments onturnkey basis for 100 bedded gangwara hospital, dharbhanga, bihar. - small general set, breast set, hemimandible set, tracheostomy set, gynac set, dressing tray, suture tray, biopsy tray, cbc analyzer 5 part, centrifuge, semi auto analyzer, micropipette (100-1000 micro letter), osmometer, semi automated coagulometer, ph meter, incubator, hygrometer, refrigerator, manual microtome, embedding station, automated tissue processor, hot air oven, centrifudge, cytocentrifudge, refrigerator 200 to 300 litre, slide fling cabinate, block filing cabinate, firesafetey cabinate, ph meter, tissue floatation bath, cooling plate, magnatic stirrer, bone saw electrical, bone decalcifier, autostainer, grossing table, x-ray 300ma, portable usg, mammaogram, aneasthesia workstaion, cautery machine, cardiac monitor with agm , patient warmer, blood fluid warmer, abg machine, pca pump, tourniquet machine, portable suction machine, video laryngoscope, micro drill saw system, crash cart , cautery machine, multiparamonitor monitor , pedestal light, laryngoscope with all blades , video bronchoscope, bed side monitor, laryngoscope for all blade , nebulizer, cardiac table, ventilator , bedside monitor, laryngoscope with all blade , nebulizer, patient warmer, dvt pump, ventilator, laryngoscope for all blade , dvt pump, b.p apparatus manual(adult ), stethoscope, multiparamonitor monitor, stretcher, wheel chair, b.p apparatus manual, stethoscope (adult), colposcopy, x-ray view box , height scale, bed side monitor, blood bank refrigerator , platelet incubator with agitator, weight machine, infusion pump, pulse oxymeter, glucometer, portable suction , defiblrilattor, crash cart, syringe pump, bipap, ecg machine(12- channel), cr system, sub total, dental , dental set (capital), dental chair, dental chair compressor, ultrasonic scaler with scaler tip, dental micromotar - clinic, dental micromotar - lab, straight handpiece for micromotor, dental airotar, dental airotar bur set, composit curing light, vacuum forming machine, electric induction wax knief heater, lathe machine, acrylizer, model trimmer, portable suction machine, x-smart endomotor with apex locator, uv sterilizer chamber, mini autoclave, xray machine, led apron with thyroid collar , hanger for lead apron, view box, rvg sensor with sleeve, deionized water system with accessories, crown remover, electric kettle, eye protection glass, hydraulic clamp, instrument dressing trolley, instrument dressing tray, dressing drum, dressing drum, kidney tray, steel bowl, non tooth forcep, suture cutting scissor, bp handle, conservative instrument kit, composite polishing kit, endo files - k file (15-85), endo files - h file (15-85), endo box, hand scaling kit/ perio scaler, periosteal elevator, extraction forcep (pediatric), extraction forcep, bone currete, bone file, chisel - mallet, gracy currete, mettalic syringe, universal plier, adams plier, semicircle orthodontic plier (half-round), orthodontic wire cutter, wax knife, wax carver, wax spoon, lacron carver, hylin carver, mettalic scale, 3-way syringe, perforated impression tray, perforated impression tray, sectional dentulous upper-lower perforated impression tray, sectional dentulous upper-lower perforated impression tray, micromotor stone bur/ trimmer , micromotor carbide trimmer/ bur , composite polishing kit, articulator, clamp, flask, dental cement mixing spatula (straight), dental cement mixing spatula (curve), hot plate, cheek retractor, blow torch, spirit lamp, chip blower, eye protection glass, dappen dish, glass slab, rubber mixing bowl, absorbable gelatin sponge (gelostat), lignospan cartridge (septodent), sterile siliconized dental needle (septojet), sand paper (number- 320), sand paper mandrel, articulating paper, dental cement mixing pad, agate spatula, suction tip, flouride gel, flouride gel applicator brush/ tip, gic - luting, gic - restorative, zinc oxide

CTN :38953024 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - hospital; medical equipment and devices; service provider

CTN :38970904 Due date: 08 Feb, 202508 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For cmc of all air conditioning equipments in government medical college datia

CTN :38472895 Due date: 18 Jan, 202518 Jan, 2025 1.52 Crore
Tender For bid to ras providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - commercial; medical equipment and devices; service provider

CTN :38727353 Due date: 24 Jan, 202524 Jan, 2025 12.00 Crore
Tender For corrigendum : supply of lab, surgical and medical equipments items for two year rate contract - lab, surgical and medical equipments items, amboo bag silicon adult, amboo bag silicon child, adult o2 high flow, autoclave horizental s.s., autoclave s.s single drum cooker type (12 x 12), b.p. instrument digital, b.p. instrument led display, baby tray s.s. 304 grade, baby wieght machine digital (child) 30 kg cap., bed side locker powder coated s.s. top, bed side screen with curton (three panel) powder coated with cloth, bioyels operators complete set, black bradid silk with needle 2-0 (r-13), blood lancet, cat-gut no. 1, cat-gut no. 1-0, chikengunia card, co2 cylinder, cotton thread roll, cutting needle, dengue card igg+igm+nsi, dental chair, dental stool, dressing drum large 12* 15 304 grade s.s., dressing drum medium 11 * 9 304 grade s.s., dressing drum small 9 * 9 304 grade s.s., ear speculum, electrical sterlizer s.s. 304 grade 20 * 8 *6, electro cotrery, examiation table with mattress powder coated, first aid kit, flow meter with rotameter, foot step (double) complete s.s., foot step (single) complete s.s., gauze bandage cutting scissor, glass slide pic 1, glucometer digital, glucometer strip, head circuefere, heamocheck, hemoglobin meter digital, hemoglobin meter strip, heppa filter, i.v. set adult, i.v. stand powder coated heavy, infentometer, infrared thermometer, ingem, instrument tray (large) 12*15 304 grade s.s., instrument tray (small) 12* 8 304 grade s.s., insulin syringe, iron bed powder coated, jumboo oxygen cylender type (d) 40 liter, kellys pad, labour table s.s. 304 grade complete s.s., led examination light 24 led, malaria card antigen, medicine cabinet, microscope binocular isi mark, mini oxygen cylender (b) type 10 liter, minor o.t. instrument set ce german, minor o.t. instrument tray ce german, muac tape, mucus extractor sterile, nebulizer (audult), nebulizer (child), nebulizer ultra sonic, needle holder ce german, o.t.table s.s. hydrolic 304 grade, o.t.table s.s. normal 304 grade, oae (oto aucoustic emission) screening & diagnosis intrument, paper adhesive plaster 1 inch x 9.0 mts adhesive tape, paper adhesive plaster 2 inch x 9.0 mtsadhesive tape, patient attended bench with mattress powder coated, patient stretcher trolly with o2 cylinder attachment, pediatric o2 mask, polyglyoclic/polyglaction suture no.- 0.1 length 90 cm, polyglyoclic/polyglaction suture no.- 1 length 90 cm, pregnency card, protable puls oxymeter table top, scrub typhus card, silicon sheet, silk therad roll, scrub typhus card, silk therad roll, sphygmomano meter mercury, stadiometer, stethoscope adult, weight machine digital, surgical cap disposable (for surgeons), surgical cap disposable (for nurse), syringe 10ml hypodermic with needle, syringe 5ml hypodermic with needle, syringe 2ml hypodermic with needle, wieght machine digital (audult), wieght machine digital (child), umbilical cord clamp, torech, surgical blad, h.b.m.c., audult o2 decivery mask, co-monitor, spirometer, alfa cyper methrin 5% wb, electric delivery room bed. ( labour coat), patient attended bench with mattress powder coated, patient stretcher trolly with o2 cylinder attachment, diagnostic sticks for multiple use strip (sugar, ketone, albumin), diagnostic strip for glucose,ketone, diagnostic strip for glucose,protein, anti a blood grouping serum ip (anti a monoclonal serum), anti b blood grouping serum ip (anti b mono clonal serum), anti d(rh) blood grouping serum ip/anti d blood grouping serum ip, multi para meter urine strip test, nubuliser machine, crash card trolly, dental chair with assessceries, dental chair without assessceries, face mask disposable, smear for filaria, sputum for aeb as per eds guideline, stadiometer masurinle range 60-20cm, test for iodine insalf, water testine by strip methord, visual inspection chart, rate top vial plan, edta vial vaccum, edta vial vaccum 18 non vaccum, tissab-iii solution, dispo container, falcon tube 15 ml, falcon tabu 5

State Government

CTN :38942253 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 1.50 Lacs
Tender For medicines, medical equipments, lab materials and medical tests supply for sub jail joura
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