Tender For corrigendum : providing of monthly ambulance service (all inclusive) - all inclusive service except fuel. fuel charges to be reimbursed separately or arrangement of fuel to be done by the buyer; type d advance life support ambulance; as per nit; as per nit,monthly ambulance service (all inclusive) - all inclusive service except fuel. fuel charges to be reimbursed separately or arrangement of fuel to be done by the buyer; type d advance life support ambulance; as per nit; as per nit,monthly ambulance service (all inclusive) - all inclusive service except fuel. fuel charges to be reimbursed separately or arrangement of fuel to be done by the buyer; type c basic life support ambulance; as per nit; as per nit,monthly ambulance service (all inclusive) - all inclusive service except fuel. fuel charges to be reimbursed separately or arrangement of fuel to be done by the buyer; type c basic life support ambulance; as per nit; as per nit
Tender For sewing training and providing sewing machine to 60 nos female candidate under mine closer activity of kumda 1 and 2, jainagar 5 and 6 incline,jainager 3 and 4 old incline of bishrampur area for social support measures under final mine closure activit
Tender For supply of digital water flow meter of electromagtetic type (50 mm line size) , digital water flow meter of electromagtetic type (150 mm line size) , digital water flow meter of electromagtetic type (200 mm line size)