Tender For providing labour for annual maintenance of yard lighting and street lighting in various mandies in district fatehgarh sahib sub division sas nagar.
Tender For providing 1 no 13 passenger lift and 1 no 8 passenger lift in new family court block on second floor at judicial court complex khamanon district fatehgarh sahib
Tender For widening and upgradation of l r gt road sirhind nh 44 to badali ala singh via village hansali including 5 year maintenace under nabard ridf xxx project distt fatehgarh sahib 5 50 mtr to 7 00 mtr section rd 0 mtr to 5200 mtr group 1
Tender For providing and laying of lateral sewer, water supply line, connection of manhole, sluice valve haudies, house connection and dismantling of roads at vidhi chand colony and all other works contingent thereto at mandi gobindgarh distt. fatehgarh sahib.
Tender For periodical repair of gt road to bhamarsi upto tarkheri (one year defect liability period plus four year maintenance) in mc sirhind, district fatehgarh sahib
Tender For carrying out preparation of feasibilty study for construction of rob on bassi shaheedgarh road in district fatehgarh sahib - topographic survey using total station etc., i) topographic survey using total station etc. depicting the existing ground features.ii) collection of any existing data available with the client.iii) gad preparation of rob showing all necessary components i.e. horizontal, vertical profile, vertical clearances, fixation of railway spans according to the standard rdso drawings, preparation of approach road plan & profile, its junctions at grade, service road profile etc. complete in all respect as per engineering incharge., add gst