Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 7.5hp solar submersile scheme,with 300mm dia machine borewell with 200mm casing tubewell 55mtr depth n submersble motor atcentre of excelence for walnut reserch centre under cretion of value-chain for walnut atkulangam kupwara,skuast-k.nabard
Tender For repair/ renovation of quarter guard (01 building) needs white wash/painting/ electric wiring at ir 4th bn wuyan kupwara (under normal capex budget demand-51 (police).
Tender For repairing / renovation of dining hall (02 buildings) needs white wash/ painting/ electric wiring irp 4th bn wuyan kupwara (under normal capex budget demand-51 (police).
Tender For renovation of toilet blocks / washrooms at pc camp kralipra, kandi, sogam, machil, bazar tikipora and warnow by way of replacing damaged sanitary fittings, electric fittings and fixing of tiles etc (under normal capex budget demand-51 (police).
Tender For renovation of g.os mess at dpl kupwara (by way of installing full sanitary fittings and fixing of pvc wall/ floor tiles, repairing roof top etc at district police kupwara including electrification works (under normal capex budget demand-51 (police).