Tender For cwek/token-68/874 ews/2024-25- provn of 01xwp shed and allied structure at chakigam under ge 874 ews and job no- 31sa/maj wk/amwp-02/2023-24
Tender For construction successful testing and commissioning of 02 no pump house cum operators quarter, 02 no 0.25 lac gln sr with sluice chambers, providing and laying pipe network, chainlink fencing around structures and electro - mechanical works for wss kawari jagerpora under ut capex.
Tender For corrigendum : cwek/token-129/874 ews/2024-25 special repair to building no t-134 dining hall, t-135 or cook house, t-148 or living, t-5, t-10 and bathroom, toilet and sewage line etc in aor of age b/r-iii at various locations under ge 874 ews
Tender For corrigendum : cwek/token-130/874 ews/2024-25 provn of electrification of pharkian gali under ge 874 ews, job no w/amwp-01/stn hq chowkibal/24-25
Tender For cwek/token-132/874 ews/2024-25 special repair/resurfacing to road/ pavement/ hardstanding at various locations under ge 874 ews, job no w/sr rds-iii/zangli /2024-25, w/sr rds-iv/zangli /2024-25 and lxviii/06/spl repair rds/trehgam/2024-25