Tender For special repair to building nos ts441 ps274 ts507 store and ts508 toilet and addition alteration of class rooms of army public school under ge nagrota
Tender For construction of veer dwar at radh chowk on radh panjlehar road in tehsil nagrota bagwan, district kangra hp (sh construction of civil work).
Tender For construction of culvert and path from link road to house of sh.shyam lal, shote lal and roomi dass in g.p. jhikli kothi in teh. baroh in distt. kangra hp deposit work (sh construction of 3.00 mtr. span rcc slab culvert at rd 0/000)
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to building no np10 and np 12 at moti mandir and provn of open shed at nagrota mil stn under age brii of ge nagrota
Tender For construction of link road from community bhawan tika rangehar to main road sadoon bargran in g.p. sadoon bargran, teh. baroh in distt. kangra hp