Tender For custom bid for services - 200138474 service of deployment of 3 nos safety expert during overhauling for year 20242025-3 nos. qualified safety personnel for 2 nos. unit services during overhauling @ m/s. ntpc unchahar, for the period of 70 days (each unit o/h period is 35 days in two different period). the safety officer would carry out the following jobs: 1. monitor and guide all the activities during the unit overhaul from human and equipment safety point of view. 2. ensure that a proper safety work permit is issued by the concerned official and all necessary safety requirements are taken in to care and there is no lapse. make a series of visits all around the work activities of unit overhaul. 3. give daily tool-box/pep talks before start of the job to the workers of the agencies engaged in unit overhauls, and identify the hazards involved with their assignment and explain the hazard elimination methods. 4. give job specific training to the workers of the overhaul agencies to enable them to work safely. 5. ensure uses of ppes and safety gears by workers of overhauling agencies to be checked daily and compliance to be ensured. deviations if any to be reported immediately. 6. daily inspection of t & ps of overhaul agencies to ensure healthiness of operation. 7. ensure that the loading and unloading of any equipment is being done with all safety precautions. this also includes the lifting operation of heavy/small items to the heights. 8. check the scaffolding erection activities and provide comments for safe erection and dismantling. 9. be personally present while lifting heavy loads and give appropriate suggestions for safe lifting. 10. ensure that norms regarding electrical safety are being followed. 11. ensure that all welding machines and cutting equipment are safe for use. 12. ensure that areas are properly barricaded, and all fire safety norms are followed prior to starting of the job. 13. area-wise checklist like housekeeping, use of ppes, fire hazards, healthiness of t&ps, confined spaces etc. to be prepared and filled on daily basis. 14. must stop the job if any unsafe act or unsafe condition is noticed and get it rectified and restart the job. 15. must attend daily overhaul review meeting and present the observations and related issues to the forum. 16. submission of final report before leaving the site.