Tender For restoration of rain damages on kaffenu to manal via kukrech thana chiog and bogra km 0.00 to 3.345. sh construction of b.wall in pcc 1. 4 .8 at rd 1.510 to 1.545.
Tender For water quality monitoring & surveillance under jjm programme under sirmour distt. (h.p.) (sh:-supplying of various lab materials for nabl water testing lab in nahan district sirmour (hp).
Tender For sh - supply and erection of pumping machinary with allied accessories at booster, 1st and 2nd stage, providing, laying, jointing of mserw pipe line in rising main at 1st and 2nd stage, laying and jointing gms pipe line in rising main at booster 1st
Tender For sh providing and laying 25mm thick bituminous concrete on kando chiog to mashu kando km 2.00 to 3.500, approach road collage building shillai km 0.0 to 2.00 under rural road
Tender For sh providing and laying 25 mm thick bituminous concrete in puruwal to amboya road km 3.00 to 4.00, rajpur agron road km 0.0 to 1.600 and nagheta to killor road 3.00 to 7.00. other then pmgsy
Tender For water quality monitoring & surveillance under jjm programme under sirmour distt. (h.p.) (sh: supplying of various lab materials for water testing lab in nahan district sirmour (h.p.)
Tender For sh construction of rcc storage tank 40000 litres capacity and retaining wall to down stream of pump house and providing, laying and jointing of mserw pipe line in rising main from rd 0 to 300 for lwss basog chambiyara and chowki
Tender For restoration of rain damages of various lwss/gwss under jal shakti division nahan in tehsil nahan distt. sirmour (h.p.) (sh:-l/j of gms pipe of various dia at various locations & dismantling and relaying of existing pipe line at various locations under section shambhuwala).
Tender For repair and maintenance of lwss moginand in tehsil nahan distt. sirmour (h.p.) (sh: supplying and fixing joint less submersible cable starter to motor 35mm ) job-l
Tender For repair and maintenance of lwss johron in tehsil nahan distt. sirmour (hp) (sh: demolition of ohsr 50000 lit. cap at johron under section kheri) job-1