Tender For corrigendum : providing of calibration services - calibration of vbox3i sl 100 hz and vbox vbss20 for 4 years at vel garc chennai; calibration of vbox3i sl 100 hz and vbox vbss20 for 4 years at vel garc chennai; non nabl; user defined
Tender For providing of operation and maintenance of other machines and plants - supply of reference and operational gases for emission testing in powertrain lab garc for 2 years
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - roofsheet waterproofing works for hq building and client workshop at garc chennai; roofsheet waterproofing works for hq building and client workshop at garc chennai; ser..
Tender For providing of customized annual maintenance contract/cmc for pre-owned products - annual maintenance contract of silver scan tool for powertrain lab; silver scan tool; comprehensive maintenance contract (cmc); not applicable; no