Tender For bid to ras providing of repair and overhauling service - 3637 rrc for repair and renewal of shell plate and apt of tanks or compartments onboard in ships yard crafts and fdns; shell plate and apt of tanks; yes; buyer premises
Tender For corrigendum : repair to flooring, leakage/seepage, drains, periodical services to residential and non residential building, repair to day to day work including repair to roof sheets and miscellaneous work at ins kardip and icgs kamorta under ge(i) campbell bay
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of outdoor fan motor , outdoor condenser , run capacitor , fan motor bush , split board pcb , carbon filter , sediment filter , pre filter cartridge
Tender For bid to ras renovation and refurbishment of oic office and staff office and conference hall - rubber wood panelling work with melamine pu polishing including rubber wood bidding , re furbishing and re polishing of conference table size 4ft x 16ft x 30 inch , fixing of new vertical blinds , refurbishment and re polishing of wooden doors changing of door closer , fixing of wooden flooring , refurbishing of officer succession board , re furbishing of book cabinet , refurbishment and re polishing of main table and side table , refurbishment and re polishing of wooden doors , repairing and re polishing of computer table , dy oic cabin renovation and re polishing of main table and computer table , re furbishing of sofa 5 seated , repairing and re polishing melamine pu of wooden doors
Tender For corrigendum : spl rps to ceiling fan,cooling appliances at cgdhq-10 and ins baaz, provn of chemical earthing at ngmmcb det1, servo stabilizer at met dept, boom barrier at ins baaz, electric power supply at cgdhq-10, campbell bay under ge(i) campbell bay
Tender For corrigendum : supply of readers with customised moveable work station - e reader tablet , inclined interactive display 43 inch for accessing e newspaper and e magazine , customised moveable work surface with three compartment for installing e reader , high raised counter chair 104 x 50 cm , e reader adjustable stand with holder
Tender For corrigendum : repairs/ replacement of internal wiring, distribution boxes, fitting and fixture including hot water and summer appliances and other allied works at various locations under ge (i) campbell bay
Tender For sw- supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 01 no. 52 hp water cooled diesel driven pumpset sh-sitc of additional 01 no. 52 hp 4r1040 diesel engine coupled with dsm 80 36 pump at paschimsagar pump house