Tender For providing of annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - potable water purification system reverse osmosis or uv based; 10 and above; package-4 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servi..
Tender For supply and transportation of potable drinking water through water tanker from nearest available source including cost of water in urban sector anta div. baran distt. baran.
Tender For supply and transportation of potable drinking water through water tanker from nearest available source including cost of water in urban sector baran div. baran distt. baran.
Tender For supply and transportation of potable drinking water through water tanker from nearest available source including cost of water in urban sector mangrol div. baran distt. baran.
Tender For supply and transportation of potable drinking water through water tanker from nearest available source including cost of water in panchayat sameeti area shahbad div. baran distt. baran.
Tender For supply and transportation of potable drinking water through water tanker from nearest available source including cost of water in panchayat sameeti area kishanganj div. baran distt. baran.
Tender For supply and transportation of potable drinking water through water tanker from nearest available source including cost of water in panchayat sameeti area mangrol div. baran distt. baran.