Tender For ktps-vii stage-civil-o and m-ii- a camps-arresting roof leakage by providing 3mm thick app modified bitumen membrane treatment to the qtr.no.de-34 in c colony.
Tender For ktps-vii stage - civil - o and m-i - sd-ii - grouting below the rails at damaged portion around rail base plates and painting the rails with anti-corrosive paint of scr-ii in coal handling plant area of ktps stage-vii, paloncha
Tender For fixing of rate contract for supply of consumables required for xerox make digital photo copiers and printers at corporate office and generating stations of tggenco for the f y 2025 26 and 2026 27
Tender For ktps-vii stage - civil - o and m-i - sd-iii - clearing and lifting of 2nd phase jungle growth at central stores (cs-ii) and outdoor stores areas of stage-vii, ktps