Tender For providing of custom bid for services - 200139317 supply on rental basis and operation of chlorine di oxide generator in situ system for pre treatmnet plant and condenser cooling water system ntpc khargone
Tender For repair and replacement of central ac plant ducts cooling coils tower air handling units compartments filters chillers tanks indoor grills lt panels and other allied works under ge i gos
Tender For regarding repair work of oil cooling system etc. of this plant through external agency under divisional office mechanical sub division plant at latur tata hitachi excavator-350 no. 402
Tender For corrigendum : supply of liquid chlorine for raw water pre-treatment & cooling water treatment and for drinking water system in phased manner for a period of one year at godavari gas power plant, jegurupadu
Tender For comprehensive maint central ac plant air handling unit cooling tower and connected miscellaneous e m work at cgda hq and centrad complex under ge east delhi cantt 10
Tender For civil works related to design, engineering, supply & construction for enhancement of ozonisation plant capacity from 45 kg/hr to 90 kg/hr (i.e. 30 kg/hr for each 660 mw unit) for circulating cooling water system at 3x660 mw koradi project.