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Tender For corrigendum : rate contract for yokogawa make dcs spares for ntpc group stations - cable,er bus,ycb141-m003,yokogawa, er bus terminator,ycb148, cable,er bus,ycb301-c300, cable,er bus,ycb141-m005, cable,prefab,5m,ks1-m005, cble: dcs:prefab cable - akb331- 5 mtr, cable,esb bus,ycb301-c400, cable,prefab,ks1-10*b, cable,prefab,ks2-05*b, cable,prefab,ks2-10*b, cable,prefab,akb331-m010, board,dist,power distributor,yokogawa, i/o mod,aat141-s50/t4s00,yokogawa,16ch, analoginputmodule,aai143-s00/k4a00, analog i/p module:aai143-s50/k4a00;yokgw, analoginputmodule,aai143-h50/k4a00, analog output module,aai543-s00/k4a00, analog o/p module: aai543-s50/k4a00;yoko, bus interface mod,eb-401-50,yokogawa, field control module,afv30d-s41451, esb bus module: ec401-50; yokogawa, esb bus i/f slave module: sb401-50; yoko, opt.esb bus repeater mdl-ant401-50/cu1n, opt.esb bus rptr.slv.mdl: ant502-50/bu1a, esb bus cplr module,ec402-50,yokogawa, sys bus cbl,esb bus,ycb301-c200,yokogawa, system esb bus cable,ycb301-c100, 10/100 mbps esb bus sys cbl,ycb301-c020, prefab ic cable,ks1-04-a,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb331-m005,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb.4,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,ks1-3,yokogawa,dcs, prefab interconnecting comm.cable akb*3, prefab comm cable,yokogawa, prefab comm cable,ks1-m003,yokogawa, prefab ic cable,akb331,yokogawa, prefabricated cable,ks2-m010,yokogawa, serial interface mod,alr121-s00,yokogawa, serial communication card: alr121-s50;yk, comm.model for giu: ale111-s50; yokogawa, 32ch.dig.i/p module:adv151-p,yokogawa, 32ch.dig.inputmodule:adv151-e,yokogawa, 32 ch di mod,adv151e60d5a00,yokogawa, digital output module:adv551-p,32 channl, digital o/p terminal board: yaed5d;yok, digital o/p module: adv559-p00; yokogawa, node ir unit,anb10d440/c+,yokogawa, node interface unit,anb10d-445/cu2n/ndel, node unit,anb10d-445/cu2t/ndel,yokogawa, node for dual red.remot: anb11d-245/bu2a, vnet interface card: vi702; yokogawa, cpu battery,s9129fa,yokogawa,das, fan fail detect unit,ffdu-21,yokogawa, foundation field bus card, model:alf-111, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, dist board,pdbfcstd-240@b,yokogawa, power supply module: pw484-50; yokogawa, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, cpu module: cp461-50; yokogawa, processor module: cp471-00; yokogawa, rtd inputmodule: aar-181; yokogawa, terminal board module: yaea4d-a,yokogava, term.board with connctr: ytbadv559*a;yok, termination board - model-tetc; yokogawa, t/c inputmodule:aat145,make:yokogawa
Tender For corrigendum : supply of em spares - front pin connector 20 pole ai , analoginputmodule 4-20 ma , control contactor , relay 1 co , relay 2 co , relay 4 co , varioface frontadapter, simatic- s300 , pass terminal
Tender For corrigendum : supply of breeding material for agriculture - aluminium bag 500 g capacity nos , aluminium bag 1 k g capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 1 kg capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 100 g capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 2 kg capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 50 g capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 500 g capacity , aluminium lable with wire 8x3 cm nos , aluminum wire , balance table top 1 kg , balance table top 2 kg , balance table top 5 kg , bird scaring ribbon per kg , breeding knife , breeding tag per 1000 , butter paper for germination , butter paper bag 10cmx 6cm , butter paper bag 18x5cm , butter paper bag 20cm x 5.25cm , butter paper bags 20 cm x 8 cm, machine made per 1000 , card board capaciaty 10 kg 10inch x 16inch , card board capaciaty 20 kg 15inch x 11inch x 13inch , carton 10 kg capacity , carton 5 kg capacity , cocopeat dry block type low ec washed per kg , cotton thread , fawwara for pipe 0.5 inch mtrs , germination paper imported quality 45x28cm , green net 3 meter height length in per meter , green net 73 percent per sqm. , iron mosquito mesh for fencing 3 feet ht. mt , jute bag 10 kg capacity , jute bag 100 kg capacity , jute bag 20 kg capacity , jute bag 5 kg capacity , jute bag 50 kg capacity , jute sutali rope , jute sutli , kraft seed container - star paper envelope 15 x 7 cm, 80gsm per 1000 nos. , kraft seed container - star paper envelope 19 x 7 cm, 80gsm per 1000 nos. , label thread per kg , luggage label no.5 eyeletted 11 x 6 cm per 1000 nos. , luggage labels, no. 4, thick 10 cm x 5 cm , luggage lable no. 3 eyeletted 8x4 cm , markin cloth cotton bag 1 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 10 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 2 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 20 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 5 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 50 kg capacity , net bags 50x45cm , net green 3 meter height , nursery polybag 11x7x5 cm, black per 1000 , nylon layout rope , nylon net 25mm. hole size uv stabilized 3mtr. 1500 m2 500 m l x 3 m w , nylon net 40 mesh insect proof width 48inch ordinary mt , nylon net bag 10 kg capacity , nylon net bag 20 kg capacity , nylon net bag 5 kg capacity , nylon net bag 50 kg capacity , nylon net bags 30x22 cm nos , nylon net bags 42x35 cm nos , nylon net bags big nos , nylon net seed bag with closing string 100 x 60 cm each , nylon net seed bag with closing string 40 x30 cm each , nylon net seed bag with closing string 60 x 45 cm each , nylon net selfing bag with closing string for veg crops 95x70 cm , plastic pegs 100 cm each , plastic pegs 50 cm each , plastic pegs 90 cm each , plastic pot 25 cm x 25 cm x 17 each , plastic pot 30 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm each , plastic-lined aluminium foil pouches, 3 layered for gene bank 12x9 cm per 100 units , plastic-lined aluminium foil pouches, 3 layered for gene bank 18x12 cm per 100 units , plastic-lined aluminium foil pouches, 3 layered for gene bank 20x16 cm per 100 units , polythene bag with locking system 15 x 10 cm per 100 no. , polythene bag with locking system 20 x 15 cm per 100 no. , polythene bag with locking system 25 x 20 cm per 100 no. , polythene tube 4 inch , polythene tube 6 inch per kg , rope to be tied for belcha , seed bag with metal fold water proof envelope 25 x 10 cm per 1000 nos. , seed enevelope 100 g capacity , seed enevelope 1000 g capacity , seed enevelope 250 g capacity , seed enevelope 50 g capacity , seed envelop 25x10 cm , self sealed polythene bag 1 kg capacity , self sealed polythene bag 250 g capacity , self sealed polythene bag 500 g capacity , silayee taga rolls , silk bag 100 g , tassel bags 42 cm x18 cm x 10cm, machine made, made of imported sac craft paper , tirpal 12 feet x 15 feet , tirpal 4 by 6 small size , tirpal 8 feet x 8 feet , water proof enevelope 100 g , water proof enevelope 250 g , water proof enevelope 500 g , water proof envelope 25x10 cm , water proof envelope 25