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Analog Input Module Tenders

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CTN :38900847 Due date: 29 Jan, 202529 Jan, 2025 25.00 Lacs
Tender For corrigendum : providing supplying. installation laboratory equipment at p.w. laboratory sadar, nagpur - providing supplying. installation & commissioning at required site of compression testing machine with automatic pace rate controller, capacity compressiontestingmachine(mu-2000kn)with flexure attachment including running software as specified in specification as directed by engineer in-charge.(with yearlycalibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying. installation & commissioning at required site of cement cube vibration machine. (with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying, installation & commissioning at required site of vibrating table for concrete cubes 50cm x 50 cm.(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying, installation & commissioning at required site of concrete cutting machine.(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying, installation & commissioning at required site of sieve shaker (motorized) for 20cm, diameter (with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), sieve shaker motorised for 30cm dia sieve with bullt-in digital timer (with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying. installation & commissioning at required site of analog silver schmidt concrete test hammer. (proceq)(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying. installation & commissioning at required site of ring and ball test apparatus (softening point electrically heated semi-automatic digital).(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying, installation & commissioning at required site of digital hot air oven(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying. installation & commissioning at required site of ductility testing machine with digital display without cooling (with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying. installation & commissioning at required site of laboratorydigitallaboratory california bearing ratio test apparatus with aimil daq & aimil analysis module, four speed, with gun metal mould assembly cbr test apparatus, (motorized electronic 4 speed with gunmetal mould) without (scada )(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), automatic modified marshall apparatus, 100kn for 4&6 dia samples with marshal softwareincluding running software as specified in specification as directed by engineer in-charge.(without computer)(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying, installation & commissioning at required site of kinematic viscosity cannon tube size no.6(with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying, installation & commissioning at required site of absolute viscosity cannon tube size no. 12 (with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), absolute viscosity cannon tube size no. 13. with constant certificate & calibration. (with yearly calibration certificate for five years and amc in 4 time yearly for period of five years.), providing supplying, installation & commissioning at required site of grinder machine (bar cutter).(with yearly calibration certificate for five year

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38322410 Due date: 21 Jan, 202521 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : rate contract for yokogawa make dcs spares for ntpc group stations - cable,er bus,ycb141-m003,yokogawa, er bus terminator,ycb148, cable,er bus,ycb301-c300, cable,er bus,ycb141-m005, cable,prefab,5m,ks1-m005, cble: dcs:prefab cable - akb331- 5 mtr, cable,esb bus,ycb301-c400, cable,prefab,ks1-10*b, cable,prefab,ks2-05*b, cable,prefab,ks2-10*b, cable,prefab,akb331-m010, board,dist,power distributor,yokogawa, i/o mod,aat141-s50/t4s00,yokogawa,16ch, analog input module,aai143-s00/k4a00, analog i/p module:aai143-s50/k4a00;yokgw, analog input module,aai143-h50/k4a00, analog output module,aai543-s00/k4a00, analog o/p module: aai543-s50/k4a00;yoko, bus interface mod,eb-401-50,yokogawa, field control module,afv30d-s41451, esb bus module: ec401-50; yokogawa, esb bus i/f slave module: sb401-50; yoko, opt.esb bus repeater mdl-ant401-50/cu1n, opt.esb bus rptr.slv.mdl: ant502-50/bu1a, esb bus cplr module,ec402-50,yokogawa, sys bus cbl,esb bus,ycb301-c200,yokogawa, system esb bus cable,ycb301-c100, 10/100 mbps esb bus sys cbl,ycb301-c020, prefab ic cable,ks1-04-a,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb331-m005,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb.4,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,ks1-3,yokogawa,dcs, prefab interconnecting comm.cable akb*3, prefab comm cable,yokogawa, prefab comm cable,ks1-m003,yokogawa, prefab ic cable,akb331,yokogawa, prefabricated cable,ks2-m010,yokogawa, serial interface mod,alr121-s00,yokogawa, serial communication card: alr121-s50;yk, comm.model for giu: ale111-s50; yokogawa, 32ch.dig.i/p module:adv151-p,yokogawa, 32ch.dig.input module:adv151-e,yokogawa, 32 ch di mod,adv151e60d5a00,yokogawa, digital output module:adv551-p,32 channl, digital o/p terminal board: yaed5d;yok, digital o/p module: adv559-p00; yokogawa, node ir unit,anb10d440/c+,yokogawa, node interface unit,anb10d-445/cu2n/ndel, node unit,anb10d-445/cu2t/ndel,yokogawa, node for dual red.remot: anb11d-245/bu2a, vnet interface card: vi702; yokogawa, cpu battery,s9129fa,yokogawa,das, fan fail detect unit,ffdu-21,yokogawa, foundation field bus card, model:alf-111, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, dist board,pdbfcstd-240@b,yokogawa, power supply module: pw484-50; yokogawa, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, cpu module: cp461-50; yokogawa, processor module: cp471-00; yokogawa, rtd input module: aar-181; yokogawa, terminal board module: yaea4d-a,yokogava, term.board with connctr: ytbadv559*a;yok, termination board - model-tetc; yokogawa, t/c input module:aat145,make:yokogawa

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38771221 Due date: 17 Jan, 202517 Jan, 2025 19.97 Lacs
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of dcs spares - analog input module fta mc- taih52-ar , analog output fta mc- taoy52 -ar , digital output 24 vdc fta mc- tdoy62 -ar , analog input fta prefab cable -ar , hlai processor mc-paih03 (16-ch)-ar

State Government

CTN :38655088 Due date: 21 Jan, 202521 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of em spares - front pin connector 20 pole ai , analog input module 4-20 ma , control contactor , relay 1 co , relay 2 co , relay 4 co , varioface frontadapter, simatic- s300 , pass terminal

CTN :38889737 Due date: 22 Jan, 202522 Jan, 2025 99.8 Thousand
Tender For electrical maintenance work for crf for ac timer and rtc in room no. 105 for new machine connection at iit kharagpur.

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38906156 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of reciprocal shakers - mechanical shaker machine with timer (q3)

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38732771 Due date: 18 Jan, 202518 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : biennial rate contract for supply of spares for honeywell make dcs and plc installed at various ntpc stations - hmi interface module,2mll-efmt,honeywell , communication module,2mlr-dbst,honeywell , comm module,2mll-c42a,honeywell , cpu module,2mlr-cpuh/t,honeywell , power supply module,2mlr-dc42,honeywell , expansion rack,2mlr-e12p,honeywell , cpu main base,2mlr-m06p,honeywell , cpu base,2mlr-m02p,honeywell , sync cable,2mlc-f201,honeywell , i/o link cbl pair,51202329-312,honeywell , universal saf modu,fc-usi-0002,honeywell , cabinet fan assy,ul-02-ff-hps-24vdc , batt&key switch mod,fc-bkm-0001 , chassis,fs-cpchas-0001,honeywell , monitoring unit,amch20999134,honeywell , sm pwr supply,fc-psu-240516,honeywell , power supply unit,2mlr-ac22,honeywell , c300 ctrl processor,cc-pcnt01,honeywell , iota,tsv211,honeywell , iota,cc-taon01,honeywell , digital o/p module,cc-pdod51,honeywell , digital o/p module,2mlq-tr4b,honeywell , iota,cc-tsp411,honeywell,cc-tsp411 , ao module,2mlf-dc8a,honeywell , module,cc-psp401,honeywell , analog output module,cc-paon01,honeywell , digital input module,2mli-d24a,honeywell , safe dig.i/p module: fc-sdi-1624;honeywl , analog input module,2mlf-ad16a,honeywell , hl analog i/p module,cc-pain01,honeywell , hl anlg i/p nr iota,cc-tain01,honeywell , analog input module,fc-sai-1620m,16ch , low lvl ai proc mod,honeywell,8ch , rtd input module,mlf-rd04a,honeywell , llmux t/c tfa,51305890-175/mc-tam+,16ch , low lvl multiplexer,honeywell,rtd fta , low lvl anlg mux mod,514050+,honeywell , high lvl ai/sti fta,honeywell,dcs , field i/f module,ul16ai-d37,ul group , ai-fta,51304337-250 , safe hd anlg.i/p mdl: fc-sai-1620m;honyw , analog i/p module,honeywl,51304754-150 , analog input module,mlf-ad04a,honeywell , di module,mle-dc16a,honeywell , d/i module,honeywell,2mli-d28a , d/i intrface mod,ul16dif-d25,ul group , di soe processor,honeywell,32ch , safe dig i/p module,fc-sdi-1624,16ch , ao module,80363969-150,honeywell , 16 point-rhmux fta,honeywell , analog o/p processr,mu-taoy 52,honeywell , digital i/p module,pdix02 51304485,16ch , digital output card,2mlq-tr2b,honeywell , digital output rtp,ul16do1wfi1co-d25-2c , dig o/p exp module,mle-tn16a,honeywell , 16 chnl dig i/p mod,2mlid22a,honeywell , iota,cc-taon11,honeywell , comm module,2mll-ch2a,honeywell , io expn driver,2mlrdbdh/s,honeywell , snet comm module,2mllc42b,honeywell , profibus dp ir mod,2mll-pmea,honeywell , i/o interface module,2mlr-dbdt,honeywell , red ctrl module,51309288-475,honeywell , ethernet i/f(tcp/ip),mll-emta,honeywell , control processor,51404305-475,honeywell , control processor,8c-pcnt02,honeywell , control processor,8c-tcnta1,honeywell , power supply unit,2mlr-ac12,honeywell , power supply unit,2mlr-ac23,honeywell , ps module,honeywell,2mlp-dc42 , fta i/o cable,th51201420-006,honeywell , expansion rack,2mlr-e12h,honeywell , base module,mlm-dn32s,honeywell , prefabricated cable,cat-5e , cpu module,9000cp1-0200,honeywell , pwrsupplymod,900p24-0301,honeywell , analog o/p mod-8ch,900b08-0202,honeywell , d/i module,900g32-0101,honeywell , dig o/p mod-32ch,900h32-0102,honeywell , expn processor mod,900sp1-0200,honeywell , c300 controller make : honeywell iota : dc-tcnt01 c01(s) , series 'c' analog input non redundant m odule iota : dc-taix51 , series 'c' analog output non redundant module iota : dc-taox51 , series 'c' digital input non redundant module iota : dc-tdil51 , series 'c' digital output non redundant module iota : dc-tdod51 , series 'c' digital output redundant module iota : dc-tdod61 , series 'c' fiber optic i/o link extender iota model : dc-sdrx01 make : honeywell , header board make : honeywell, model : 51307186-275 , fieldbus interface module(8 segment) model : cc-pfb801 , fieldbus interface module iota : dc-tfb813 make : honeywell , profibus gateway module iota dc-tpox01 make : honeywell , cf9 control firewall,cc-pcf901,honeywell , " fiber module,dc-fsmx01,honeywell" , do module,honeywell,dc-pdod51 , processor mo

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38821002 Due date: 20 Jan, 202520 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For request for expression of interest (eoi) dsitc of laboratory turnkey work for imsf (on behalf of iisc) at iisc campus, bangalore - laboratory automation with track , fully automated biochemistry analyser , fully automated immunoassay analyser , ph meter , abg analyzer , lithium analyser , hba1c analyzes , elisa reader and washer , electrolyte analyser , centrifuge machine , centrifuge machine , refrigerator , tachometer , tds meter , deep freezer , binocular microscope , ph meter , analytical digital balance , centrifuge machine , centrifuge machine , binocular microscope , esr instrument , urine analysis , co-angulation analyser , automatic timer , incubator , slide stainer automatic , urinometer , centrifuge , micropipettes , slide cabinet , flow cytometry , haematology analyser , refrigerator , analytical digital balance , binocular microscope , refrigerator , automatic timer , slide stainer automatic , slide cabinet , digital slide scanner , micro pipettes , semi-automated microtome , grossing station , automated cover slipper , cytocentrifuge , penta/dual head microscope for histopathology , tissue processor , cryo microtome/cryostat , auto stainer for hc , temp.controlled tissue floating bath , storage cabinet for 10,000 blocks in numerical arrangement , temp.controlled rectangular laboratory use , hot plate , double distillation apparatus , embedding station , paraffin wax dispenser , paraffin block cabinet , slide warmer , single pan balance , hot air oven , colorimeter , binocular microscope , ph meter , analytical digital balance , elisa reader and washer , centrifuge machine , deep freezer (-20 degree) , serological water bath , blood culture automation system , automation identification and antibiotic susceptibility test , bio-safety cabinet , laminar air flow , refrigerator (400 litre) , loop sterilizer , bod incubator , anaerobic jar , autoclave machine -horizontal , autoclave machine-vertical , lyophilizer machine , immunoturbidometric machine , incubator , co2 incubator , spectrophotometer , hot air oven , dispenser , heat block , turbidimeter , ief platform , cbnaat machine , line probe assay machine (for tb) , automated system for isolation of mtb , microfuge , deep freezer (-20, -30, -80 degree each) , thermal cyder , microvolume spectrophotometer , automated extraction system , rt pcr machine , gel documentation system , uv transilluminator , electrophoresis machine , cold centrifuge , vortex mixture , dry bath , multiplex pcr system (molecular diagnostic platform) , pct machine , shaker for rpr , binocular microscope , stepper micropipettes , immunoanalyser-single dose entry , fluorescent microscope

State Government

CTN :38781389 Due date: 20 Jan, 202520 Jan, 2025 36.08 Lacs
Tender For providing and fixing of kitchen equipments at hotel the ashok, new delhi. - part- a, supply and fixing of electric rotary oven of 18 nos. trays size min. 400mm x 600 mm, with double rotary rack trolley. all construction with stainless steel with extraction hood, customized programmable control board having digital controls for temperature adjustment range 00c to 3000c, steam and timer etc. electric power approx. 48 kw and above, complete with accessories as required such as no. of trays etc. (refer technical specifications for details), supply and fixing of dough sheeter machine, floor standing, motorized, liftable and removable worktops. thickness adjustment mechanism with gap between rollers 0.3mm to 30 mm with conveyer table length of around 1400mm and width min. 550mm. variable speed adjustment with flour collecting trays & dough collecting extensions complete as required. (refer technical specifications for details), supply and fixing of rack type conveyer dish washer with dryer, fully automatic with a capacity of 200 racks per hour having three different speed levels allow to adjust the wash cycle. it should have the facility of water softening unit attached and hot air blower complete as required. (refer technical specifications for details), supply and fixing of table top vacuum packing machine single phase 230v ac, 50 hz. having electronic control vacuum setting at mbar, percentage or time according to the user, temperature control sensor and pump protection, setting sealing time, vacuum and gas with 1/10 sec scale, chamber made on aisi 304 stainless steel 5 mm thick, automatic lifting the lid by means of pneumatic pistons, suction pump min. 12 mc/h, double/triple sealing bar of min. size-310mm, standard size complete as required. (refer technical specifications for details), supply and fixing of hot holding cabinets, having temp. range 160c to 930 c, with a roll in20 shelves pan trolley, capacity of at least 20gn 1/1 pans complete as required. (refer technical specifications for details), supply and fixing of heavy duty blixer with capacity of min. 3 to 20 portions, 200g each can be processed. motor base would be of metal and handle with soft touch, stainless steel fine serrated blade with removable cap, power- 1500 w min. or above, 3 phase 415v, 50 hz., minimum speed-1500 rpm to 3000 rpm complete as required. (refer technical specifications for details), supply and fixing of bread slicer 100 loaves capacity per hour, adjustable slice thickness mechanism max. loaf input size: 20 inch x 6 inch and constructed with ss 304 grade material complete with accessories as required at site. (refer technical specifications for details), part- b (buy back) i.e. minus, dismantling of old dish washing machine complete as per the direction of engg-in-charge under buy back arrangement. the existing and old dish washing machine complete of size- length -7100mm x breadth-760mm x height-1900mm.

CTN :38778534 Due date: 22 Jan, 202522 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of analog input module , surge protection device (spd) , industrial ethernet switch
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