Tender For repairs to bridges, cleaning of water way, ballast retainer wall, floor, inspection steps etc. and other maintenance work in the jurisdiction of aden/ii/dbg
Tender For repairs to bridges, cleaning of water way, ballast retainer wall, floor, inspection steps etc. and other maintenance work in the jurisdiction of aden/i/dbg.
Tender For boundary wall by rail fencing with ballast retaining wall from km 16/15 to 19/6 in between ssp and aqr, km 5/4 to 16/9 in between bln and ssp, km 19/5 to 25/2a in between aqr and bgb in bln-bgb section and provision of rail barriers and boundary wall at locations 38/28 to 39/6a (360 m) in between nh to hlr, 56/9 to 56/25 (480 m) in between mpj to smx and 62/21 to 63/5 (600 m) in between cdh to pdx (total 1440m) under senior divisional engineer/1/sealdah.
Tender For a)secunderabad - dhone - " repairs to side drains at ctr locations."b)secunderabad-dhone - "provision of water supply arrangements to machine sidings" and "repairs to ballast retaining wall"
Tender For rebuilding of bridge no. 8, 6, 18 & 49 in to rcc box by cut & cover method including construction of rcc retaining, wing wall, flooring and curtain wall and repair maintenance of br. no.12, 13, 13a, 20, 20a, 113, 123 by providing wing wall, guide band, ballast wall, grouting etc., in the section of sse(w)/az & ndae under aden/az & ndae.