Tender For supply of bogie frame with bolster fitted with axle guide arrangement for vvnh1 type mi lk van as per drawing number:- (i) drg. no. dc/emu/h2-0-3-201 to item no 1 to 30 in assembled c ondition for bogie frame (ii) bogiebolsterarrangement as per drg. no. dc/emu/h2-0-4-201 to i tem no 1 to 24 in assembled condition. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of 16.25 t bogie frame for icf ac coaches consist of 03 items (i) bogie frame (i i) bogiebolsterarrangement (iii) lower spring beam arrangement, as per annexure a [ warrant y period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of moving contact bridge complete to m/s abb's drg. no. ina 412527 r-5 or its equi valent of m/s woama make, spare for pc-8 axm relays as per clw spec: clw/es/r-27. [ warrant y period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]