Tender For supply of bogiebolsterarrangement conforming to icf spec. no. icf/ md/spec. 094 and icf spec. no. icf/ md/spec. 147, rev. 2, amend- 1 to icf drg no : t-0-4-654, col. i alt : d / 4. [ war ranty period: 60 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of pin for brake rigging to dlw pt no 19331174 and emd pt no. k-2033003, qty for 01 loco set -1. pin drilled hex head1-8x4-7/32 to dlw pt no 20331083 and emd pt no-8449521=16 nos, 2. pin- brake head(live hanger)drilled hex head 3/8x7 to dlw pt no 20331022 and emd p t no-40023418=08 nos, 3. pin hanger inside-1.359 odx2-1/2 inch long to dlw pt no-20331034 a nd emd pt no.40077219=08 nos. 4. pin hanger outside drilled 1.359 odx2-1/2 inch long to dl w pt no 20331046 and emd pt no.40077220=08 nos, 5. pin drilled hex head 3/8x7-3/8 to dlw pt no 17180089 and emd pt no.40023309=04 nos, as per drg.no. 6. pin-brake head(dead hanger)t apered 6 inch to dl specn: 8. pin drilled hex head 3/4-10x4-3/16 to dlw pt no.20331071 and em d pt no.8333178=16 nos, 9. pin lever pivot to dlw pt no 17160595 and emd pt no.40023284=08 nos. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of bush for brake beam hanger. drawing no :-sk-69597, alt. 43, item no.13 . [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of stopper assembly for brake gear pin for brake block hanger bracket to drg. no.icf/t-0-3-676 alt c/3 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of modified ferrule for brake head hanger to sr.dee/rs/gzb drg no. 588/mech/part 91 [ w arranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of brake gear pins of flexi coil bogie frame. consisting of following 4 items. 1. pin for end lever to drg no wr-ccg-el/4p1-pn-012 alt-3 qty 8 nos/set. 2. pin for brake hanger lever ( small)to drg no.wr-ccg-el/4p1-pn-003 alt.1 qty 12 nos/set. 3. pin for brake hanger lever (long) to drg no wr-ccg-el/4p1-pn-009 alt.2 12 nos/set. 4. pin for brake head lever to dr g no. wr-ccgel/4p1-pn-004 alt.1 qty 24 nos/set. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date o f delivery ]