Tender For supply of bogiebolsterarrangement for 180/150 kn air spring suspension bogie (20 ton axle bogies) to icf drg. no. dmu/dpc10-0-4-001, alt 'h' and icfs spec. no. icf/md/spec-147. material and spec. as per drg. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of bogiebolsterarrangement (for ac coaches) confirming to icf spec.no.icf/md/sp ec.094 and icf spec.no.icf/md/spec.147, rev.2, amend. 1 to icf drg.no. wlrrm -0-4-003, col.ii (wit hout bush on item 10) alt.h/4. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of two piece dental implant size 3 point 75mm x 10mm with corresponding healing screw gingival former abutment locking screw analog and impression transfer,two piece dental implant size 3 point 5mm x 11 point 5mm with corresponding healing screw gingival former abutment locking screw analog and impression transfer,two piece dental implant size 4 point 2mm x 11point 5mm with corresponding healing screw gingival former abutment locking screw analog and impression transfer,two piece dental implant size 4 point 2mm x 13mm with corresponding healing screw gingival former abutment locking screw analog and impression transfer,two piece dental implant size 5 point 0mm x 11 point 5mm with corresponding healing screw gingival former abutment locking screw analog and impression transfer
Tender For supply of set of items for memu mc bogie ( air spring suspension) consists of 1-bogie frame arrangement as per drg. no emo3150.- qty-01no. 2-bogiebolsterarrangement as per drg. no em04110,alt-c-qty 01no. 3- bogie brake arrangement as per drg no 089-3-2-064, col-1,alt-i-qty 01no.
Tender For corrigendum : supply of bogie frame arrangement with bogiebolsterarrangement ,dashpot guides in welded conditio n with bogie frame for rail milk tanker (vvn).bogie frame arrangement as perrdso drg.no.sk-65234 alt.3 o r latest,bogiebolsterarrangement as per rdsodrg.no.sk-65244,alt-b/2 or latest, material confirming to r dso spec.no.c9202 (rev.2 of october 2008) & icf specn no.icf/md/spec-147(rev.-2 of july-2006) with late st amnd.no.01 of february-2007.axle box guides as per rdso drg no.sk-65232,alt-b/2 or latest ,item no.-4 . [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]