CTN :39097593
03 Feb, 2025
Tender For tender for provision of stationery facilities for election related activities in local government elections. - aero cross mark (square fiber stick length 10 cm.), aeroldite adhesive (13 gm.), bag non woven fabric with handle (big size) (18x30 inch), bag plastic (bio madical waste bag) 100 kg, bag plastic carrying (zabhala) 50 x 30 inch, bag polythin to put polling material (big size with handle) (18x30 inch), bag transparent plastic 12 x 15 inch, bag transparent plastic 12 x 8 inch (small), bag urea manure (100 kg), bag - cotton for packing ballot box (35 hights + 28 width inch), ball pen - good quality, ball pen blue ink simple, blade (topaz), blank c.d. standard company, blank red-selected">dvd standa
rd company, b
rass seal, button folde
r file (bag) 10 x 6 inch, button folde
r file (bag) 14 x 11 inch, calculato
r (big) 12-dizig, candle big size (eagle), ca
rban pape
r (blue) ko
res, cello tap 05. inch x 0.65 ya
rd), cello tap 2-inch, clip box (u pin) (100 nos. 1 box, elephant b
rand), compute
r p
r ca
rtidge (canon lbp 3300), compute
r p
r ca
rtidge (hp 1020 lase
r jet), compute
r p
r ca
rtidge (hp 2035 lase
r jet), compute
r p
r ca
rtidge (hp m-202 lase
r jet), cotton cloth (dung
ri cloth), cotton cloth (dung
ri cloth) (1 x 1 foot), cotton white tap to secu
re evm bag (size 0.5 mt
r x 2.5 mt
r.), fevi quick (5 g
rm), fevicol (500 gm), fevicol tube (25 gm), file apolo (gada
r file), file ho
rse, file plastic meeting (a/4 size) lamino mu
rbbo, file plastic meeting (legal size) lamino mu
rbbo, file plastic meeting (thick) a/4 size, file plastic meeting (thick) legal size