CTN :39133469
10 Feb, 2025
Tender For supply of file folder cover (v2) (q4) , fabric pin up notice boards (q4) , binder clips (v2) (q3) , polypropylene sutli (q3) , paper adhesive, liquid gum and office paste type as per is 2257 (rev) (q3) , exam pad (v2) (q3) , transparent tape (v2) (q4) , register (v2) (q4) , compact disk cases - cd - red-selected">dvd case (q4) , staple
rs (v2) (q3) , file boa
rd (q4) ,
read w
rite compact disc cd (q4) ,
read only compact disc cd (q3) , glue stick (v2) (q4) , sticky notepad (q3) , tags fo
r files (v2) as pe
r is 8499 (q4) , met
ric steel scales (v2) as pe
r is 1481 (q4) , pins, pape
r, st
raight as pe
r is 5653 (q4) , plain copie
r pape
r (v3) isi ma
rked to is 14490 (q4) , gift pen (q4) , clips, pape
r as pe
r is 5650 (q4) , ball point pens (v2) as pe
r is 3705 (q4) , self adhesive flags (v2) (q4) , fluid co
rrection pen (v2) (q4) , pe
rmanent ma
r pen (q4) , metallic signage (v2) (q4) , binding punch machine (q3)