CTN :39228244
11 Feb, 2025
Tender For supply of gel pen (v3) (q4) , rollerball pen (v3) (q4) , eraser (q4) , correspondence envelopes (v2) (q4) , self adhesive flags (v2) (q4) , sticky notepad (q3) , binder clips (v2) (q3) , ball point pens (v2) as per is 3705 (q4) , fluid correction pen (v2) (q4) , read write compact disc cd (q4) , compact disk cases - cd - red-selected">dvd case (q4) , box file (q4) , floo
r cleane
r (v2) (q4) , toilet cleane
r liquid (v2) confo
rming to is 7983 (q4) , mosquito
repellant c
ream sp
ray and lotion (q4) , naphthalene (v2) as pe
r is 539 (q4) , sweeping b
room (v3) (q4) , high density polyethylene bucket (q4) , squeegee washe
r wipe
r moppe
r (v2) (q4) , toilet soap o
r liquid (q4) , pape
r adhesive, liquid gum and office paste type as pe
r is 2257 (
rev) (q3) , display file (q4) , file folde
r cove
r (v2) (q4) ,
r (v2) (q4) , signatu
rebook folde
r (q4) , mugs stainless steel single double walled with double wall moulded handle (q4) , desk pads - w
riting (v2) (q4) , pe
rmanent ma
r pen (q4) , wate
r jugs (q4) , desktop calculato
r - elect
ronics (q4) , black lead pencils (v2) as pe
r is 1375 (q4) , pins, pape
r, st
raight as pe
r is 5653 (q4) , glass cleane
r, liquid (v2) as pe
r is 8540 (q4) , dak pad (v2) (q4) , stamp pads (q4) , stamp - pad ink as pe
r is 393 (q4) , poke
r o
r awl as pe
r is 10375 (q4) , sketch pen (v2) (q4) , binding punch machine (q3) , staple
rs (v2) (q3) , staple
r pin / staples (v2) (q4) , sp
ring file (q3) , tags fo
r files (v2) as pe
r is 8499 (q4) , packaging tape (q4) , t
rent tape (v2) (q4) , scisso
rs (q4) , highlighte
r pen (q4) , knife blades (q4) , wall clocks as pe
r is 12510 (q4) , ca
ridge (d
rawing) pape
r as pe
r is 1848 (pa
rt 2) (q4) , photog
raphy pape
r (v2) (q4) , ai
r f
r liquid (v2) (q3) , pape
r weights (q4) , exam pad (v2) (q3) , pin cushions (q4) bid numbe
r/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5886447 dated/ + : 05-02-2025 bid document/ 1 1 1 / 86