Tender For bid to ras repair and servicing of tata mobile 17c106194e - labour only for taking out us engine oil from chamber completely and refillling the engine oil of grade 20w40 7500 ltr , m and l for replacement of oil filter complete make purolator , m and l for replacement of fuel filter complete make purolator , m and l for replacement of differential oil grade 80 w 90 complete make castrol , m and l for replacement of brake oil complete make castrol , dismantling brake assembly repair and refix after replacing fwg spares rubber bush 01 brake liner 02 nos , m and l for wheel alignment of veh wheels and wheel balancing incl wheel rotation as directed , m and l taking down self strter for repair and replacement of unsv parts such as bendex, solenoid coil carbon brush and armature as directed , taking dow nad disconnecting radiator from vehicle and cleaning after adding radiator cleaning agent including refiling new coolant 01ltr with 03 ltr , opening of all electrical and mech connections of alternator assembly taking out unserviceable carbon plate commutator s and f of carbon plate , washing and cleaning of complete veh greasing and oiling of all moveable parts of veh , wiring check up and replacemtne of wipre blasde 01 set and tail light assy 02 head light 02 nos tail bulb 4 wiper moter assy 01 to be replaced , complete taking out of clutch plate pressure plate relasing bearing properly checking of replacement of unsv cluthc plate-01 , taking out old unsv water body from the vehicle supply and fixing of water body including connection of all joints , s and f of the new rexine seat cover for all the seats , complete removal of foot mat s and f of new foot mat stitched to fit on to the veh after removing the seats and cleaning the internal cabin , s and f of the dust collecting rubber foot rest set of 4 nos and gear rod cover , s and f in repair manual fuel pump as per existing make all as per direction of enginer in charge , m and l for removing of denting at various places of veh carriage and panting of the veh with existing.
Tender For dismantling of damaged metallic expansionjoints, supply & erection of metallic expansionjoints around primary/secondary air/flue gas ducts at raichur tps (in a phased manner)
Tender For supply of pm057. hire charges for jcb with bucket, na maintenance of roads,, h dismantling of g.i. joints pipes valves and specials, i fixing bell mouths, l filter media, demolishing cement concrete, a cement concrete (cast in situ)
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of elecon make capital spares for chp for ntpc mouda. - extra for cleaning the old surface by scrapping the entire old white wash or colour wash including cost of scaffolding all complete as per direction of e/i., dismantling old plaster and pointing in cement or lime and raking out joints to 15 mm depth, watering and disposal of unserviceable materials with all leads all complete as per direction of e/i., providing 12mm cement plaster (1:6) with clean coarse sand of f.m. 1.5 including screening, curing with all leads and lifts of water, scaffolding taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification and direction of e/i., providing 6 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) in ceiling with clean coarse sand of f.m. 1.5 including screening, curing with all leads and lifts of water, scaffolding taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification and direction of e/i., dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 50 meters lead( for thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm), dismantling 15 mm to 40 mm dia g.i. pipe including stacking of dismantled pipes (within 50 meters lead) as per direction of enginear -in-charge.( internal work-exposed on wall))., providing and fixing chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (cpvc) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all cpvc plain & brass threaded fittings, and fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. this includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step cpvc solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge. concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc.25 mm nominal dia pipe . ., providing and fixing chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (cpvc) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all cpvc plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. this includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step cpvc solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge. concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc.20 mm nominal dia pipe ., providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised rigid pvc rain water pipes conforming to is. 13592 type a,including joining with seal ring conforming to is :5382, leaving i0 mm gap for thermal expansion(i) single socketed pipes (110 mm diameter) -, providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised pvc moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticcised rigid pvc rain water pipes conforming to is:13592 type a, including jointing with seal ring conforming to is: 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. (110 mm diameter) -, providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised pvc moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticcised rigid pvc rain water pipes conforming to is:13592 type a, including jointing with seal ring conforming to is: 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. (110 mm x 110 mm x 110 mm) -(a) 110 mm single tee with door --, providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised pvc moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticcised rigid pvc rain water pipes conforming to is:13592 type a, including jointing with seal ring conforming to is: 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. (110 mm shoe)(c) 110 mm shoe plain, providing and fixing water closet squating pan (indian type w.c. pan) with 100 mm sand cast iron p or s trap 10 litre low level white p.v.c. flushing cistern ,including flush pipe with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to i.s.:7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete ,including cutting and making good the walls and floors whenever required:white vitreous china orissa pattern w.c. pan of size 580 x440 mm with integral type foot rests., dismantling w.c. pan of all sizes including disposal of dis
Tender For construction of substructure for rebuilding of existing br. no. 13 on dn main line at rly. km. 14/305.923 (between unchaulia & jangbahadur ganj station) on sarda canal including e/work in filling and cutting in embankment, blanketing work in formation, construction of rcc retaining wall/ wing wall/ return wall, provision of jute geo- textile (jgt) in slope of embankment & construction of drains and linking of bg track & turnouts, provision of glued joints & sejs, dismantling of existing track & turnouts, supply, handling, lifting, loading, leading, unloading and spreading of ballast, handling of p.way material working in bni/ni period and other allied works at approaches of major bridge no. 13 and in rosa yard (balance work) or any other station in the jurisdiction of dyce/c/mb in c/with "rebuilding of existing br. no. 13 on dn main line" and "doubling of rosa - sitapur city section" of moradabad division.
Tender For ttps mech ii tm i unit i ii iii breakdown maintenance of hdpe pipes of various size from 150nb to 450nb plastic welding of punctured joint new joints dismantling and re erection of the hdpe pipes 01 04 25 to 31 3 26
Tender For ttps mech ii ahp unit iv v bah eco and aph break down maintenance of hdpe pipes of various size from 32 mm od to 450mm welding of punctured joint new joints dismantling and re erection of the hdpe pipe of old new and rubber lining of ms pipe of vario
Tender For static equipment maintenance works at ammonia complex during ata 2025, as per tender conditions. - tube bundle pulling - e 213 a, insitu machining of the gasket face of the shell flange of e213 a, tube bundle pulling - e 1001, vessel inspection - f551, f552 and f553, de bolting the air sparger (mixer) and pipings including nrv of secondary reformer, bringing down and keep on stand for facilitating inspection and repair, fix back the sparger (mixer) after repair and fixing back the piping and fittings including nrv after replacing the gaskets., flare tip cleaning - cleaning of pilot burner tips (6 nos) of flare stack of size : 25 nb, skilled mechanical jobs including machinery / equipment installation, dismantling & refixing of pressure joints, piping & pipeline works, welding, machining jobsetc. requiring skilled workers. rate shall be quoted for man days of 8 hrs.
Tender For supply of strip opening of the vehile along with engine , connecting rod bush set std , danting and painting , material and labour for complete removing of oil deposits , a c bearing set std , radiator assembly , push rod , rocker arm shaft , kit engine overhauling gasket , steering universal joints abd spindels , set valves inlet , oil filter element , universal joint cross , service indicator , rv mirror outer lh and rh , horn 108 dia , fuel filter element , solenoied switch of self starter , assy head lamp lh and rh , gear lever boot , door lock system , assy clutch disc and pressure plate , assy oil pump , break drum rear , silencer assy , assy rear spring , assy propeller shaft , clutch cable , universal joint cross , gear liver boot , air filter , turn indicator , alternator with regulator , tie rods fl and fr , suspension bush kits , shock absorbers front and rear , tail lamp assembly complete with acessories , supply only differential oil 85w 140 , suppy only engine radator coolant , supply only brake oil dot 3 , suppy only engine oil 15w40 , m and l in replacement for cover outer 700 , opening the engine head assy dismantling cylinder , water temparature gauge01 no , gasket cylinder head 01 no , regulator assy 01 no , belt timing 01 no , thermostat 01 no , tensioning assy timing belt 01 no , dismantling the clutch system , clutch plate , clutch pressure plate , disc clutch , shaft clutch release , rear spring bush , cross bearing , socker bush , joint universal , draining out burnt engine oil , oil filter , fuel filter , opening engine tapped cover , dismantling and taking down , washing the radiator with cleanimg solution , radiator hose pipe , fan belt , dismantling and taking down water pump , dismantling and taking down self starter , self bearing , armeture winding , carbon brush , carbon plate , draining out gear box oil dismantling , replacement of 3rd gear assembly including shaft , leak proof kit , clutch plate , pressure plate , dismantling and taking down steering , steering box with all accesories
Tender For ttps ?? mech.ii ?? ahp ?? unit iv & v - bah, eco and aph- break down maintenance of hdpe pipes of various size from 32 mm od to 450mm, welding of punctured joint/ new joints dismantling and re-erection of the hdpe pipe of old/new and rubber lining of ms pipe of various size from 80 nb to 450 nb and flushing apparatus for the period from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026note: prospective bidders may get the specification free of cost by down loading from tangedco website