Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - repair of roof and expansionjoint treatment of various building for hurl barauni; repair of roof and expansionjoint treatment of various building for hurl barauni; buy..
Tender For special repair to taluka sevasadan at savli, dist. vadodara (repairing of door-window, ventilation, flooring, painting, expansionjoint, water proofing, toilet, plumbing, safety net)
Tender For procurement of fabricexpansionjoints for flue gas , hot air and cold air ducting system of aph and fans for 250 mw boiler , dspm tps , cspgcl , korba east
Tender For supply of fabricexpansionjoint compresing diff. layers temp 400c 40m/pipe , fabricexpansionjoint compresing different layers-27m per pipe , fabric expn. joint for gt103 and gt104 , fabric exp jnt= l-14.2 mtr, w-450mm, t 200 deg. c and pressure+ /- 500 mm/wc - gt105 to 108 fgd , fabricexpansionjoint - temperature of 900c and pressure+ or - 1000mm, width 680mm, min. length-15