Tender For operation, maintenance and guarding of gaseous chlorinationplant at ohr zone no- 24 under arsenic affected area surface based water supply project in south 24 pgs district under s.24pgs mechanical division phe dte.
Tender For operation, maintenance and guarding of gaseous chlorinationplant at glr-ii at dh-ii of surface water based water supply scheme for kulpi and 9 other blocks of south 24 parganas district under smd phe dte.
Tender For operation, maintenance and guarding of gaseous chlorinationplant at ohr zone no- 40 under arsenic affected area surface based water supply project in south 24 pgs district under s.24pgs mechanical division phe dte.
Tender For supplying of chlorine gas cylinder for water disinfection at water treatment plant of khopoli municipal council and repair work of chlorination pant.
Tender For supply, delivery, fitting, and fixing of spares in connection with the gaseous chlorinationplant at ohr site at joka - i and ii diamond park under smd, phe dte.
Tender For comprehensive operation & maintenance of civil & electromechanical assets such as hglr, sump, chlorinationplant, pump house, all bulktransmission and distribution pipelines, valves, pumping machinery & electrical equipment etc. for the jangar rwss water supply scheme,including supply of 15.18mld potable water to all the 72 villages for 24 months period. taluka :amreli,kunkavav-vadiya, district : amreli basedon nc-1 gwil chamardi-bhesan. excluding supply of pac solution, bleaching powder and chlorine gas etc. completed.
Tender For comprehensive operation & maintenance of civil & electromechanical assets such as wtp, hglr, sump, chlorinationplant, pump house, all bulk transmission and distribution pipelines, valves, pumping machinery & electrical equipment etc. for the ishvariya rwss water supply scheme, including supply of 9.18 mld potable water to all the 50 villages for 24 months period. taluka:amreli,lathi,liliya, district : amreli based on nc-1 gwil chavand. excluding supply of pac solution, bleaching powder and chlorine gas etc. completed.
Tender For corrigendum : operation, maintenance and guarding of gaseous chlorinationplant at ohr zone no- 1, 2 and 3 of rajpur sonarpur kmda rural areas water supply scheme under s.24pgs mechanical division, phe dte.
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of procurement of spares for cw chlorinationplant - automatic vacuum regulator for 200 kgh chlorine dozing system for cw feed pool , pressure reducing valve for 200 kgh chlorine dozing system for cw feed pool , element for gas filter for 200 kgbyh chlorinator for cw feed pool , gasket for gas filter for 200 kgbyh chlorine dozing system for cw feed pool , flow control valve , part no-90500 , o rings for rotameter for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , glass tube for rotameter for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , float for rotameter for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , differential pressure regulator , part no-82400 , coiled copper tube for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , chlorine valve for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , ball valve for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , pvc ball valve for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , lead washers for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , gasket for chlorinator for 200 kgh chlorine dosing system for cw feed pool , o rings for safety valves for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , gas line vaccum pvc check valve , part no-60500 , drain relief valve , part no-70500 , injector 150nb , part no-mx85810 , pressure relief valve- vaccum line , part no-40250 , vacuum relief valve- vacuum line for cw chlorination system , capacity 200 kgbyhr , pvc unions for 200 kgh chlorinator for cw feed pool , 3by4inch auto changeover valve motorized