Tender For operation, maintenance and guarding of gaseous chlorinationplant at ohr zone no- 24 under arsenic affected area surface based water supply project in south 24 pgs district under s.24pgs mechanical division phe dte.
Tender For operation, maintenance and guarding of gaseous chlorinationplant at glr-ii at dh-ii of surface water based water supply scheme for kulpi and 9 other blocks of south 24 parganas district under smd phe dte.
Tender For operation, maintenance and guarding of gaseous chlorinationplant at ohr zone no- 40 under arsenic affected area surface based water supply project in south 24 pgs district under s.24pgs mechanical division phe dte.
Tender For supplying of chlorine gas cylinder for water disinfection at water treatment plant of khopoli municipal council and repair work of chlorination pant.
Tender For modification of ejector pipe line pump unit for gaseous chlorination system of bhadura glr-ii of falta mathurapur mega water supply project under smd phe dte.
Tender For supply, delivery, fitting, and fixing of spares in connection with the gaseous chlorinationplant at ohr site at joka - i and ii diamond park under smd, phe dte.
Tender For operation and maintenance of civil producing potable water of desirable standards from chhogala main head works of panam regional water supply scheme by proper operation and maintenance (06 months) including maintenance to all civil works, pipe-line system network all consumable, existing and additional chlorinationplants and incl. proper chlorination, skilled and unskilled manpower, material, t & p articles, vehicles, all type of valve chamber and water meter for continuous and uninterrupted water from various sub head works. proper operation and of different class, type and diameter pipes, pump houses, sumps, sluice valves, non return valve at all various head works.
Tender For operation & maintenance of civil work producing potable water of desirable standards from tarsang main head works of vanakbori regional water supply scheme by proper operation and maintenance (06 months) including maintenance to all civil works, pipe-line system network all consumable, existing and additional chlorinationplants and incl. proper chlorination, skilled and unskilled manpower, material, t & p articles, vehicles, all type of valve chamber and water meter for continuous and uninterrupted water from various sub head works.- iind attempt
Tender For tggenco - nshes - design, manufacture, supply, delivery, erection and commissioning of advanced surface water treatment plant(micro filters) along with uv/chlorination treatment with a capacity of 18 cubic m/hr (0.3 mld) to treat surface water for potable need at nshes, nagarjunasagar.