Tender For supply of insulation rail joint 52 kg rail as per irs specification no-irs-s-40/84 and drg no-sa-22101(alt-6) or lates t one kit consisting of (i) end post=01no (ii) insulating plate=04 nos (iii) channel side plate lh=02 nos (iv) channel side plate rh =02 nos (v) bush=08 nos [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of insulating ring inner and outer, one number each [part of sub kit 3 io h as per annexure r4 and sub kit 3 poh as per annexure s4 ]
Tender For supply of avr assy , coupling , bush insulating terminal , hose pipe filter to tank , piston assy std , piston ring set , crank shaft , mounting braket , eng main kit
Tender For supply of set of insulating rings (part of ioh/poh kit) of tap changer comprising of (i) insulating ri ng (inner) = 1 no as per m/s repls part no s1218 or g1218 of m/s aal or rdsos drg no skel 4661 (a lt-1). (ii) insulating ring (outer)=1 no as per m/s repls part no s1219 or g1219 of m/s aal or rdsos d rg no skel 4661 (alt-1). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]