Tender For corrigendum : supply of pvc flat cable, aluminium conductor with pvc insulation and sheath as per is 694 (q3) , led batten (q2) , molded case circuit breakers (mccb) as per is / iec 60947 (q3) , self ballasted led lamps for general lighting services (v2) conforming to is 16102 (q2) , mcb - miniature circuit - breakers for a.c. operation as per is / iec 60898 (part 1) (q2)
Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - npcil kaps 1 and 2; ut thickness gauging of secondary cycle piping components including scaffolding and insulation requirements during kaps 2 bsd 2025; consumables to be provided by service provider (inc..
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of miscellaneous supply and services vbs - supply of paintas per attached specifications , supply metal primeras per attached specifications , services for hydraas per attached specifications , services for jcbas per attached specifications , supply bleachnpowdas per attached specifications , supply washingpowdas per attached specifications , paint brush 100mmas per attached specifications , paint brush 150mmas per attached specifications , paint brush 50mmas per attached specifications , cotton wasteas per attached specifications , safety shoeas per attached specifications , safety shoeas per attached specifications , safety shoeas per attached specifications , safety shoeas per attached specifications , safety helmetas per attached specifications , transformer breather 1kg capas per attached specifications , transformer breather 3 or 4 kg capas per attached specifications , silica gelas per attached specifications , distilled wateras per attached specifications , metal puttyas per attached specifications , m sealas per attached specifications , wd 40 170 gas per attached specifications , copper lugs 6sqmm as per attached specifications , copper lugs 10sqmm as per attached specifications , aluminium lugs 6sqmmas per attached specifications , 32a , hrc fusesas per attached specifications , gravity meteras per attached specifications , 36kvelectrical gloveas per attached specifications , googlesas per attached specifications , apronas per attached specifications , double compr glandsas per attached specifications , double compr glandsas per attached specifications , 6sqmm copper cable as per attached specifications , repair led cntrolleras per attached specifications , 10 sqmm copper cableas per attached specifications , lan cableas per attached specifications , rj 45 jacksas per attached specifications , insulation tapesas per attached specifications , caution tape rollsas per attached specifications , teflontapes 3 or 4 inchas per attached specifications , teflontapes 1 or 2 inchas per attached specifications , hacksaw blade hssas per attached specifications , tractor and trolleyas per attached specifications , grass cutting wireas per attached specifications , servi grass cuttingas per attached specifications , trimming of treesas per attached specifications , charcoal earth pitas per attached specifications , salt earth pitas per attached specifications , digitalprotctn relayas per attached specifications , relay omronas per attached specifications , honeywell relayas per attached specifications , fuse 32 aas per attached specifications , fuse 63 aas per attached specifications , saplingsas per attached specifications , cleaningas per attached specifications , paint remover as per attached specifications , belzona 1161 metal pasteas per attached specifications , aluminium bucket 5 lit capas per attached specifications , aluminium bucket 10 lit capas per attached specifications , aluminium funnelas per attached specifications , drill bit setsas per attached specifications , china screw box 1 inchas per attached specifications , china screw box 3 or 4 inchas per attached specifications , ss nut and bolt with washer 8mm x 2 inch lengthas per attached specifications , ss nut and bolt with washer 10mm x 2 inch lengthas per attached specifications , ss nut and bolt with washer 6mm x 2 inch lengthas per attached specifications , oil lifting hand pump 1 inchdiaas per attached specifications , crocodile clips 4 sq.mmas per attached specifications , crocodile clips 6 sq.mmas per attached specifications , chain and locks 1 meter lengthas per attached specifications , copper wire 8 guage roundas per attached specifications , copper wire 10 gauge roundas per attached specifications , cotton hand glove pairsas per attached specifications , white cement as per attached specifications , nilon rope 12mm diaas per attached specifications , nilon rope 16 mm diaas per attached specifications , 2t oil packetas pe
Tender For bid to ras providing of custom bid for services - disposal of non oil soaked insulation,custom bid for services - disposal of oil soaked insulation
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - cpcly25059 supply erection dismantling of scaffolding for pipeline inspection thickness gauging and insulation in plants 1 2 9 and 12 plants 71 72 73 plant 211dhdt and plant 214 new hgu at cpcl manali
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - carrying out rtv insulation coating on 765kv and 400kv polymer cts at powergrid sundargarh substation