Tender For custom bid for services - rdcss24102 cmc for aqm system and sequential sampler-1. calibrate gas analyzers during every visit., 2. the contract will cover compulsory 12 nos. routine/preventive maintenance visits in year, each visit will comprise of 1 man-day., 3. consumables in the scope of envea india pvt. ltd., 4. weather monitoring station - calibration frequency will be at a periodicity of once in a year with reference sensors., 5. sequential sampler, pm2.5 & pm10 are also included in the maintenance
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - providing of surveyor with complete equipment for monitoring of dredging silt removing work at tldiii power station
Tender For 4th call e-tender for annual maintenance contract of providing services for operation, maintenance and monitoring of all firefighting equipment of pump house at hvdc terminal station chandrapur for the fy 2024-25 (job work basis).estimated cost : rs. 8,39,688/- (including of all taxes)
Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation and commissioning of continuous ambient air quality monitoring station with meteorological system, continuous noise monitoring system and continuous water quality monitoring station with 5 years camc at haldia dock complex,haldia
Tender For custom bid for services - 200138883 contract for vibration analysis at ntpc singrauli-annual rate contract for assistance in condition monitoring jobs at ntpc singrauli- i) 10.10 mpdep00gn621 deptt <> man dep-indian exprt deployment of vibration analyst for vibration analysis and resolving high vibration and/or balancing problems of rotating equipment (other than turbo-generator), ii) 20.10 mpcmi00gn979 deptt <> cond monitor instt data collec deployment of field engineer (high skilled manpower) for vibration data collection involving vibration measurement and assistance for vibration analysis. iii) 30.10 mpsmd05pd004 spl.m/p.dep (mobilisation) vibration ana. vibration expert for turbogenerator (tg) for vibration analysis and resolving vibration related problems of turbo-generator as per station requirement. coverage: the sow includes machines in main plant (boiler / turbogenerator / transformer yard), off sites, chp-coal handling plant, ash handling plant, dm/pt plant, cwph, ct fans, and other machines inside and outside plant premises